Edition: 1
Binding: Paperback
ISBN: 0443101922
Edition: 1
Binding: Paperback
ISBN: 0443101922
The Art and Soul of Midwifery: Creativity in Practice, Education and Research, 1e
This title is directed primarily towards health care professionals outside of the United States. How does the midwife begin to bridge the divide between technician and nurturer? Midwifery claims to be a profession that combines both art and science, yet it is currently more 'science' than 'art' This title provides relevant theory and practical tools to enable midwives to begin to bridge this divide and explore alternative ways of thinking and being. The majority of the writers are midwives and midwife teachers who have spent several years exploring these issues in theory and practice, frequently from a unique perspective. This title is intended for markets outside the United States.Offers a critical exploration of the use of creative arts in format paperback language english publication year 05 02 2007 subject medicine subject 2 medical nursing ancillary services title the art and soul of midwifery creativity in practice education and research author davies lorna editor davis elizabeth foreward by publisher churchill livingstone publication date apr 02 2007 pages 242 binding paperback edition 1 st dimensions 6 00 wx 9 25 hx 0 50 d isbn 0443101922 subject medical nursing maternity perinatal women s health description this title is Read medical textbooks online like The Art and Soul of Midwifery here

The Art and Soul of Midwifery by Lorna Davies

The Art and Soul of Midwifery : Paperback : Elsevier Health Sciences : 9780443101922 : 0443101922 : 06 Apr 2007 : How does the midwife begin to bridge the divide between technician and nurturer? Midwifery claims to be a profession that combines both art and science. This title provides relevant theory and practical tools to enable midwives to begin to bridge this divide and explore alternative ways of thinking and being.

This title is directed primarily towards health care professionals outside of the United States. How does the midwife begin to bridge the divide between technician and nurturer? Midwifery claims to be a profession that combines both art and science, yet it is currently more science than art This title provides relevant theory and practical tools to enable midwives to begin to bridge this divide and explore alternative ways of thinking and being. The majority of the writers are midwives and midwife teachers who have spent several years exploring these issues in theory and practice, frequently f

The question in the UK is "how does the midwife begin to bridge the divide between technician and nurturer?" This title provides relevant theory and practical tools to enable midwives to begin to bridge this divide and explore alternative ways of thinking and being. It also explores these issues in theory and practice.
Art and Soul of Midwifery Creativity in Practice, Education and Research, ISBN-13: 9780443101922, ISBN-10: 0443101922
The Art and Soul of Midwifery Online
Offers a critical exploration of the use of creative arts in