Author: Colin R Martin
Edition: 1
Binding: Paperback
ISBN: 041522599X
Edition: 1
Binding: Paperback
ISBN: 041522599X
Design and Analysis of Clinical Nursing Research Studies (Routledge Essentials for Nurses)
This invaluable text on the design and analysis of clinical research studies explains the basis of experimental design and statistics in a way that is sensitive to the clinical context in which nurses work. It uses data from actual studies to illustrate how to:
*design the study
*use and select data
*present research findings
*use a computer for statistical analysis.
The scope of the study designs and associated statistical techniques covered in the book allow both the beginning nurse researcher and the more seasoned professional nurse investigator to approach a research study with confidence and optimism. The authors show how qualitative data can be approached quantitatively, what the advantages of this are from the nursing Buy Design and Analysis of Clinical Nursing Research Studies by Colin R Martin,David R Thompson and Read this Book on Kobo's Free Apps. Discover Kobo's Vast Collection of Ebooks Today - Over 3 Million Titles, Including 2 Million Free Ones! Read medical textbooks online like Design and Analysis of Clinical Nursing Research Studies here

Design and Analysis of Clinical Nursing Research Studies

Design and Analysis of Clinical Nursing Research Studies - Colin R. Martin
author colin r martin author david r thompson format hardback language english publication year 21 12 2000 series routledge essentials for nurses subject social sciences subject 2 library information science design and analysis of clinical nursing research studies isbn 9780415225984 title design and analysis of clinical nursing research studies authors colin r martin david r thompson binding hardcover publisher routledge publication date jan 15 2000 edition condition used good ships from uk in 4

Design and Analysis of Clinical Nursing Research Studies
Categories: Clinical medicine->Research, Research Design->Nurses' Instruction, Clinical medicine->Research. Contributors: Colin R Martin - Author. Format: Paperback
Design and Analysis of Clinical Nursing Research Studies Online
It uses data from actual studies to illustrate how to:
*design the study
*use and select data
*present research findings
*use a computer for statistical analysis
The authors show how qualitative data can be approached quantitatively, what the advantages of this are from the nursing