Author: Geri LoBiondo-Wood PhD RN FAAN
Edition: 5
Binding: Paperback
ISBN: 0323025897
Edition: 5
Binding: Paperback
ISBN: 0323025897
Study Guide to Accompany Nursing Research: Methods, Critical Appraisal, and Utilization, 5e
Study Guide to Accompany Nursing Research: Principles and Methods
By Denise F. Polit
The perfect complement to Nursing Research: Principles and Methods, 7/e, this knowledge-builder will help you develop and reinforce the basic skills essential to today's nursing research.More than a review of often complex and abstract concepts, the guide bridges the gap to practical application by offering concrete examples and study suggestions designed to instruct, motivate, and stimulate.
Condition: Used, very good condition. Pages intact, no rips or tears. No marks or anything written inside that I an see. 302 pages.
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Study Guide To Accompany Nursing Research: Methods And Critical Appraisal For Ev
author carey berry author geri lobiondo wood author jennifer yost author kathleen rose grippa author mary jo gorney moreno format paperback language english publication year 23 11 2006 subject medicine subject 2 medical nursing ancillary services title study guide to accompany nursing research methods and critical appraisal for evidence based practice author geri lobiondo wood judith haber publisher mosby inc publication date oct 06 2005 pages 223 binding paperback edition 6 th signed dimensions
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author carey berry author geri lobiondo wood author jennifer yost author judith haber author kathleen rose grippa format paperback language english publication year 09 12 2009 subject medicine subject 2 medical nursing ancillary services title study guide to accompany nursing research methods and critical appraisal for evidence based practice author lobiondo wood geri haber judith rose grippa kathleen gorney moreno mary jo publisher mosby inc publication date nov 20 2009 pages 240 binding paperb
payment | shipping | returns Study Guide to Accompany Nursing Research: Principles and Methods by Polit PhD FAAN, Denise F.; Beck DNSc CNM FAAN, Cheryl Tatano Title: Study Guide to Accompany Nursing Research: Principles and Methods Author: Polit PhD FAAN, Denise F.; Beck DNSc CNM FAAN, Cheryl Tatano Edition: Seventh ISBN: 0781737354 Condition: Used, very good Comments: Satisfaction Guaranteed. Shipped quickly. Binding: Paperback DustJacket: None Publisher: Lippincott Williams Wilkins Publicatio
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