Author: Marian Farrell
Edition: 2
Binding: Paperback
ISBN: 0763737399
Edition: 2
Binding: Paperback
ISBN: 0763737399
Quick Look Nursing: Nutrition
Quick Look Nursing : Growth and Development Through the Lifespan includes chapters in biological, psychological and social information that includes information on genetics, fetal development, cognition and information processing, roles of families, peers, school and society and many other chapters. The Second Edition includes all the new key learning features such a Closer Look, Warnings, Questions to Ask, key terms, and an updated glossary and references. Read medical textbooks online like Quick Look Nursing here

Janet Arenson, Patricia Drake: Quick Look Nursing: Maternal and Newborn Health

Jones And Bartlett Publishers, Inc | 2006 | 477 pages | ISBN-13: 9780763738877 | ISBN-10: 0763738875 | You save 5%
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"Quick Look Nursing : Growth and Development Through the Lifespan includes chapters in biological, psychological and social information that includes information on genetics, fetal development, cognition and information processing, roles of families, peers, school and society and many other chapters. The Second Edition includes all the new key learning features such a Closer Look, Warnings, Questions to Ask, key terms, and an updated glossary and references.File Size: 4122 KBPrint Length: 402 pagesPublisher: Jones & Bartlett Learning; 2 edition (August 11, 2008) Sold by: Amazon Digital Service
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