Edition: 1
Binding: Hardcover
ISBN: 0826141366
Edition: 1
Binding: Hardcover
ISBN: 0826141366
Annual Review of Nursing Research Volume 24: Focus on Patient Safety
Designated a Doody's Core Title!
Supporting the urgent need for new patient safety guidelines and practices, Focus on Patient Safety, provides the most current and authoritative research and review to help decision makers develop new and much-needed standards and practices in nursing. With contributions from experts in the field, this new up-to-date reference focuses on key disciplines and topics that are critical to patient safety today including: Patient safety indicators Medication errors Falls and injury prevention Hospital-acquired infections Patient safety in acute-care units in hospitals Medications in the perioperative environment Home visit programs for the elderly Nursing homes Informatics issues Organizational Designated a Doody's Core Title!
Supporting the urgent need for new patient safety guidelines and practices, Focus on Patient Safety , provides the most current and authoritative research and review to help decision makers develop new and much-needed standards and practices in nursing. With contributions from experts in the field, this new up-to-date reference focuses on key disciplines and topics that are critical to patient safety today including:
Patient safety indicators
Medication errors
Falls and injury prevention
Hospital-acquired infections
Patient safety in acute-care units in hospitals
Medications in the perioperative environment
Home visit programs for the elderly
Nursing homes
Informatics issues
Organizational, climate, and culture factors
From new and emerging issues in patient safety to a review of research methods and measurement, this new 24th volume in the Annual Review of Nursing Research (arnr) series continues to provide the highest standards of content and authoritative review of research for students, researchers, and clinicians. Read medical textbooks online like Annual Review of Nursing Research Volume 24 here

Annual Review Of Nursing Research, Volume 24, 2006 Ebook
Buy Annual Review of Nursing Research, Volume 24, 2006 by Patricia Hinton Walker, PhD, RN, FAAN,Patricia Stone, PhD, MPH, RN and Read this Book on Kobo's Free Apps. Discover Kobo's Vast Collection of Ebooks Today - Over 3 Million Titles, Including 2 Million Free Ones!

What is grounded theory? How is it done? When is it most appropriate to use? Grounded theory can be the research method of choice for nurses seeking to find out how people cope with existing or potential health challenges. This book offers broad coverage of method, background, philosophical roots, and new directions for grounded theory in nursing.
Contributors: Joyce J. PhD Fitzpatrick - Author. Format: NOOK Book

Annual Review of Nursing Research Volume 24 Online
With contributions from experts in the field, this new up-to-date reference focuses on key disciplines and topics that are critical to patient safety today including: Patient safety indicators Medication errors Falls and injury prevention Hospital-acquired infections Patient safety in acute-care units in hospitals Medications in the perioperative environment Home visit programs for the elderly Nursing homes Informatics issues Organizational