Author: Billie A Wilson
Edition: 1
Binding: Paperback
ISBN: 0132149265
Edition: 1
Binding: Paperback
ISBN: 0132149265
Pearson Nurse's Drug Guide 2011
With over 310 updates, the new 2011 edition of the PEARSON NURSE'S DRUG GUIDE providessafe, effective, current, and accurate drug information in a quickly accessible format. Comprehensive and complete, all drugs are listed alphabetically by generic names for quick referral, with an index that includes both generic and trade names. Included are important clinical information for hundreds of drugs including adverse reactions, interactions, and side effects.AFInd out why this is the only drug guide nurses need:A ONLY handbook to identify prototype drugs! Dosages for neonates, infants, adolescents, adults, and patients with obesity and renal or hepatic impairment Clearly identified IV preparation and push, continuo Pearson Nurse's Drug Guide 2011, ISBN-13: 9780132149266, ISBN-10: 0132149265 Read medical textbooks online like Pearson Nurse's Drug Guide 2011 here

Pearson Nurse's Drug Guide 2011, 9780132149266
Pearson Nurse's Drug Guide 2011, ISBN-13: 9780132149266, ISBN-10: 0132149265

With over 310 updates, the new 2011 Edition of the PEARSON NURSE'S Drug GUIDE providessafe, effective, currenAbout the AuthorsEditorial Review PanelPrefaceClassification Scheme and Prototype DrugsAlphabetical Entries for Generic Drugs Appendix A. Ocular Medications, Low
The brand new 2011 edition of the Pearson Nurse's Drug Guide gives effective , safe and accurate drug information. Drugs are listed alphabetically by generic names with an index including both generic and trade names. It provides clinical information for hundreds of drugs that include adverse reactions, interactions, and side effects. It contains dosages for neonates, infants, adolescents, adults, patients with obesity and renal or hepatic impairment. It identify IV preparation and Push, interm

by Billie A. Wilson - Pearson (2011) - Paperback - ISBN 0132149265 9780132149266
Pearson Nurse's Drug Guide 2011 Online
Comprehensive and complete, all drugs are listed alphabetically by generic names for quick referral, with an index that includes both generic and trade names
AFInd out why this is the only drug guide nurses need:A ONLY handbook to identify prototype drugs! Dosages for neonates, infants, adolescents, adults, and patients with obesity and renal or hepatic impairment Clearly identified IV preparation and push, continuo