Edition: 1
Binding: Hardcover
ISBN: 0826117570
Edition: 1
Binding: Hardcover
ISBN: 0826117570
Annual Review of Nursing Research, Volume 27, 2009: Advancing Nursing Science in Tobacco Control
This volume sets the stage for understanding the evolution and importance of nursing science in the field by providing a brief historical overview of the tobacco epidemic and emerging science, describing changing trends in tobacco use, reviewing health risks of smoking and benefits of quitting, reviewing concepts in nicotine addiction and evidence-based recommendations for tobacco dependence treatment. Also highlighted are nursing science efforts and leadership in addressing two barriers to mounting programs of nursing research in tobacco control: the lack of nursing education and training in tobacco control and the limited research funding and mentorship. Finally, the contributors to this volume address the issue of smoking in the profession as it Categories: Nursing - Research * General. Contributors: Christine Kasper - Author. Format: Hardcover Read medical textbooks online like Annual Review of Nursing Research, Volume 27, 2009 here

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Buy Annual Review of Nursing Research, Volume 27, 2009 by Christine Kasper, PhD, RN, FAAN,Linda Sarna,Stella Bialous and Read this Book on Kobo's Free Apps. Discover Kobo's Vast Collection of Ebooks Today - Over 3 Million Titles, Including 2 Million Free Ones!
Categories: Nursing - Research * General. Contributors: Christine Kasper - Author. Format: Hardcover

This volume sets the stage for understanding the evolution and importance of nursing science in the field by providing a brief historical overview of the tobacco epidemic and emerging science, describing changing trends in tobacco use, reviewing health risks of smoking and benefits of quitting, reviewing concepts in nicotine addiction and evidence-based recommendations for tobacco dependence treatment.
Also highlighted are nursing science efforts and leadership in addressing two barriers to mounting programs of nursing research in tobacco control: the lack of nursing education and training in
Also highlighted are nursing science efforts and leadership in addressing two barriers to mounting programs of nursing research in tobacco control: the lack of nursing education and training in
Contributors: Christine Kasper - Author. Format: Hardcover
Annual Review of Nursing Research, Volume 27, 2009 Online
Finally, the contributors to this volume address the issue of smoking in the profession as it