Author: Pat Dugard
Edition: 2
Binding: Paperback
ISBN: 0415886937
Edition: 2
Binding: Paperback
ISBN: 0415886937
Single-case and Small-n Experimental Designs: A Practical Guide To Randomization Tests, Second Edition
This practical guide explains the use of randomization tests and provides example designs and macros for implementation in IBM SPSS and Excel. It reviews the theory and practice of single-case and small-n designs so readers can draw valid causal inferences from small-scale clinical studies. The macros and example data are provided on the book's website so that users can run analyses of the text data as well as data from their own studies. The new edition features: More explanation as to why randomization tests are useful and how to apply them. More varied and expanded examples that demonstrate the use of these tests in education, clinical work and psychology. A website with the macros and datasets for all of the text examples in IBM SPS Buy Single-case and Small-n Experimental Designs by Jonathan Todman,Pat Dugard,Portia File and Read this Book on Kobo's Free Apps. Discover Kobo's Vast Collection of Ebooks Today - Over 3 Million Titles, Including 2 Million Free Ones! Read medical textbooks online like Single-case and Small-n Experimental Designs here

Single-case and Small-n Experimental Designs: A Practical Guide To Randomization Tests

Single-case and Small-n Experimental Designs: A Practical Guide To Randomization Tests - John B. Todman, Pat Dugard
Single-Case and Small-N Experimental Designs A Practical Guide to Randomization Tests, ISBN-13: 9780805835540, ISBN-10: 0805835547

Single-Case and Small-N Experimental Designs: A Practical Guide to Randomization Tests, Second Edition

Single-Case and Small-n Experimental Designs
Single-case and Small-n Experimental Designs Online
It reviews the theory and practice of single-case and small-n designs so readers can draw valid causal inferences from small-scale clinical studies. The macros and example data are provided on the book's website so that users can run analyses of the text data as well as data from their own studies. The new edition features: More explanation as to why randomization tests are useful and how to apply them. More varied and expanded examples that demonstrate the use of these tests in education, clinical work and psychology
t reviews the theory and practice of single-case and small-n designs so readers can draw valid causal inferences from small-scale clinical studies. The macros and example data are provided on the book's website so that users can run analyses of the text data as well as data from their own studies. The new edition features: More explanation as to why randomization tests are useful and how to apply them. More varied and expanded examples that demonstrate the use of these tests in education, clinical work and psychology. A website with the macros and datasets for all of the text examples in IBM SPS