Author: Edward J. Barbieri
Edition: 6th
Binding: Paperback
ISBN: 0942447271
Edition: 6th
Binding: Paperback
ISBN: 0942447271
Handbook of Commonly Prescribed Pediatric Drugs
Now in its revised 2002 edition, this annually updated, combination pocket drug reference and handbook is a must have for all student and practicing nurses in classroom and clinical settings, including home care. This volume features easy-to-use, tabbed pages and offers comprehensive information regarding drug class; product availability; nursing management and adverse effects; IV facts; pharmacokinetics tables; and dosages for pediatric and geriatric patients, and patients with impaired kidney and hepatic function. Included are a combination drugs appendix, a 32-page color insert of approximately 400 commonly used pills and capsules, and a CD-ROM with information about 200 of the most commonly-prescribed drugs. Author: Karch, Amy Morrison ISBN-10: 0781732174 Read medical textbooks online like Handbook of Commonly Prescribed Pediatric Drugs here

Handbook of Commonly Prescribed Pediatric Drugs, 9780942447279
Handbook of Commonly Prescribed Pediatric Drugs, ISBN-13: 9780942447279, ISBN-10: 0942447271

A DAVIS'S NOTES BOOK Instant access to all of the essential medical information you need Drawing on the content of its best-selling parent reference, Davis's Drug Guide for Nurses, it provides essential information on over 170 top medications commonly prescribed in acute and ambulatory care, including high-alert and emergency drugs Quickly find content on patient safety-with vital information on pediatric and geriatric considerations-as well as precautions for all vulnerable populations.

Loyola Univ New Orleans LA Annual pocket quick reference contains data on thousands of drugs a free companion web site new pediatric and geriatric dosages new appendices and more This edition includes a diskette with the most commonly prescribed drugs

This handbook for medical assistants and physician office personnel provides numerous charts for quick referencing. Organized in an easy-to-read chart format, main topic areas include documentation, in-office and telephone assessment, normal lab values, commonly prescribed drugs, and clinical procedures. OB-Gyn and pediatric specialty sections are also included.
Handbook of Commonly Prescribed Pediatric Drugs Online