Author: Carl Thompson BSc(Hons) PhD RN
Edition: 1
Binding: Paperback
ISBN: 0443070768
Edition: 1
Binding: Paperback
ISBN: 0443070768
Clinical Decision-Making and Judgement in Nursing, 1e
The book will give a critical overview of the current research literature regarding the topic of clinical decision making and judgement in nursing. This is in contrast to other texts which either rely on anecdotal evidence to justify their approach, or focus on medical (rather than nurse) decision making. The text aims to help individuals apply different techniques to practice, aiming for a 'non-academic' style which will be easy for readers to understand. Both the editors are researchers in the field of nurse decision making and have considerable experience teaching the subject on third level diploma/degree, masters level and post-registration nursing courses. This text is therefore unique in drawing together both the research (current as well Store Search search Title, ISBN and Author Clinical Decision-Making and Judgement in Nursing by Carl Thompson, Dawn Dowding Estimated delivery 3-12 business days Format Paperback Condition Brand New The book will give a critical overview of the current research literature regarding the topic of clinical decision making and judgement in nursing. This is in contrast to other texts which either rely on anecdotal evidence to justify their approach, or focus on medical (rather than nurse) decision m Read medical textbooks online like Clinical Decision-Making and Judgement in Nursing here

Clinical Decision-making And Judgement In Nursing Professor Carl Thompson Profe.
author carl thompson author dawn dowding format paperback language english publication year 14 12 2001 subject medicine subject 2 medical nursing ancillary services clinical decision making and judgement in nursing by professor carl thompson professor dawn dowding published by churchill livingstone elsevier health sciences not quite what you re looking for see more books in other free uk delivery on everything not even the right subject see books in arts design and entertainment business and com
Clinical Decision Making and Judgement in Nursing, ISBN-13: 9780443070761, ISBN-10: 0443070768

Clinical Decision Making and Judgement in Nursing : Paperback : Elsevier Health Sciences : 9780443070761 : 0443070768 : 26 Feb 2002 : Provides an overview of the research literature regarding the topic of clinical decision making and judgement in nursing. This text helps individuals apply different techniques to practice, aiming for a 'non-academic' style. It draws together the research and practical experience of implementing techniques in practice.

The book will give a critical overview of the current research literature regarding the topic of clinical decision making and judgement in nursing. This is in contrast to other texts which either rely on anecdotal evidence to justify their approach, or focus on medical (rather than nurse) decision making. The text aims to help individuals apply different techniques to practice, aiming for a 'non-academic' style which will be easy for readers to understand. Both the editors are researchers in the field of nurse decision making and have considerable experience teaching the subject on third level
Clinical Decision-Making and Judgement in Nursing Online
This text is therefore unique in drawing together both the research (current as well