Author: Geri LoBiondo-Wood PhD RN FAAN
Edition: 7
Binding: Paperback
ISBN: 0323071899
Edition: 7
Binding: Paperback
ISBN: 0323071899
Nursing Research - Text and E-Book Package: Methods and Critical Appraisal for Evidence-Based Practice, 7e
Evolve eBook The Evolve eBook gives you electronic access to all textbook contentAwith plenty of addedAfunctionality. Not only can you search your entire library of eBooks with a single keyword, you can create your own customized study tool byAhighlightingAkey passages, taking and sharingAnotes, and organizing study materials into folders.AAdd additional eBooks to your collection to create an integrated digital library! Your Evolve eBooks are conveniently accessible either from your hard drive or online.A Book Description Now in full color, this easy-to-understand textbook offers a comprehensive introduction to nursing research concepts and methods. Evidence-based practice is emphasized throughout, with clear guidelines for Author: LoBiondo-Wood, Geri, Haber, Judith ISBN-10: 0323071899 Read medical textbooks online like Nursing Research - Text and E-Book Package here

Nursing Research - Text and E-Book Package: Methods ..., 9780323071895
Nursing Research - Text and E-Book Package: Methods and Critical Appraisal for Evidence-Based Practice, ISBN-13: 9780323071895, ISBN-10: 0323071899
This is a Pageburst digital textbook; the product description may vary from the print textbook. This easy-to-read text introduces you to the issues and trends you're likely to encounter in any nursing practice setting. Each stand-alone chapter introduces and explores a specific topic and gives insightful discussions of issues such as the health care delivery system, professionalization in nursing, standards and scope of practice, socialization and nursing theories surrounding the profession, and political action facing nurses. Evidence-based Practice boxes offer insight and highlight research

This book has been written specifically to meet the needs of nursing students undertaking pre-registration nursing programmes. It aims to explain how and why sensitive, holistic and evidence-based nursing care is carried out. It is therefore relevant to students who will enter all fields of practice within nursing and includes material that is both common to all and specific to each field. The book aims to provide all students on foundation nursing and healthcare programmes with material of sufficient depth/breadth to achieve the NMC outcomes required for entry into the fields of practice prog

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Nursing Research - Text and E-Book Package Online
Evidence-based practice is emphasized throughout, with clear guidelines for