Edition: 2
Binding: Paperback
ISBN: 0470065591
Edition: 2
Binding: Paperback
ISBN: 0470065591
Becoming a Midwife in the 21st Century
The NMC have produced standards of proficiency for pre registration midwifery education and those standards have been written in an "academic" language, for higher education institutions. Each student prior to being admitted to the profession must have achieved the proficiencies stated in the NMC publication.The purpose of this book is to provide students with material related to the standards of midwifery education. The students will be able to use the contents of this text and relate it to their own approved programme of midwifery study, as their programme of study would have had to comply with NMC's requirements. It will help student midwives appreciate how their own programmes have been designed, and why they are required to study an format paperback language english publication year 30 05 2008 subject medicine subject 2 medical nursing ancillary services title becoming a midwife in the 21 st century author peate lan editor hamilton cathy editor publisher john wiley sons inc publication date jul 28 2008 pages 458 binding paperback edition 1 st dimensions 6 00 wx 9 00 hx 1 25 d isbn 0470065591 subject medical gynecology obstetrics brand new paperback all orders get full access to our online status tracking service allowing Read medical textbooks online like Becoming a Midwife in the 21st Century here

Becoming a Midwife in the 21st Century

Becoming a Midwife in the 21st Century - Ian Peate, Cathy Hamilton
Becoming a Midwife in the 21st Century, ISBN-13: 9780470065594, ISBN-10: 0470065591
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Becoming a Midwife in the 21st Century : Paperback : John Wiley and Sons Ltd : 9780470065594 : 0470065591 : 28 Jul 2008 : The NMC have produced standards of proficiency for pre registration midwifery education and those standards have been written in an "academic" language, for higher education institutions. Each student prior to being admitted to the profession must have achieved the proficiencies stated in the NMC publication.
Becoming a Midwife in the 21st Century Online
It will help student midwives appreciate how their own programmes have been designed, and why they are required to study an