Edition: 3
Binding: Paperback
ISBN: 1891487361
Edition: 3
Binding: Paperback
ISBN: 1891487361
The American Drug Scene: An Anthology
format paperback language english publication year 01 05 2008 subject social sciences subject 2 social issues services welfare title the american drug scene an anthology author inciardi james a mcelrath karen publisher oxford univ pr publication date may 25 2007 pages 523 binding paperback edition 5 th dimensions 5 25 wx 9 00 hx 1 00 d isbn 0195332466 subject psychology psychopathology addiction description inciardi and mcelrath s popular anthology is a collection of contemporary and classic a Read medical textbooks online like The American Drug Scene here

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The American Drug Scene Oxford Univ Pr 9780195332469 09780195332469
The American Drug Scene: An Anthology, ISBN-13: 9780199739295, ISBN-10: 0199739293
The American Drug Scene by James A. Inciardi and Karen McElrath US 5th Edition If your class is using the 6th edition, please consider the following:The content of the 5th edition is nearly identical to The American Drug Scene 6th edition.The only major difference is the cover and price!!!Publishers constantly come out with newer editions to make more money, giving them reason to charge $100 + for a book. The thing is, they don't really change much with a newer edition besides changing the cove

This listing is for (The American Drug Scene: An Anthology) 5th edition by (Inciardi, James A (Editor), and McElrath, Karen (Editor)). This edition has word-for-word the same information as ISBN: 0199739293 which is the 6th edition, except for a small update and a different picture on the cover. All our books are in decent, usable condition or better and may or may not contain: highlighting, writing, cover and page wear, cds and additional material. If you are unsatisfied in any way with our product you can return it within 14 days for a refund.
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