Author: Micromedex Thompson Healthcare and United States Pharmacopeia
Binding: Hardcover
ISBN: 0975538829
Binding: Hardcover
ISBN: 0975538829
Consumer Drug Reference 2006 (Consumer Drug Reference (Hardcover))
With thousands of prescription drugs available today, protecting yourself and your family should be a main priority. Consumers need to educate themselves on prescription and over-the-counter drugs and take an assertive role in managing their medications. The new 2006 edition of Consumers Drug Reference (CDR) can assist consumers on questions they have regarding their medication. Am I taking the right dosage? Does it conflict with other medication? Unlike other drug references, the CDR relies solely on medical experts for its facts, not drug manufacturers' package inserts.
These experts have worked with the United States Pharmacopeias (USP) to provide:
" Unbiased, authoritative information on more than 11,000 drugs; including vitamins, Categories: Drugs->Medication guides->Popular works. Contributors: Micromedex Thompson Healthcare and United States Pharmacopeia - Author. Format: Hardcover Read medical textbooks online like Consumer Drug Reference 2006 (Consumer Drug Reference here

Consumer Drug Reference 2006
Categories: Drugs->Medication guides->Popular works. Contributors: Micromedex Thompson Healthcare and United States Pharmacopeia - Author. Format: Hardcover

Accompanied by a color chart that helps identify the most common pills and tablets, a comprehensive and practical reference to more than eleven thousand prescription drugs, non-prescription medicines, and nutritional supplements covers side effects, indications, proper usage, interactions with other food and other drugs, dosage information, and much more.
goHastings Books Music Movies Video Games Electronics Trends Used Visit Our Store Consumer Drug Reference 07 Consumer Reports Format: Trade Cloth (Hardcover) Condition: Used Release Date: 12/12/2006 SKU: 250092252 EAN: 9781933524030 ISBN: 1933524030 goHastings website and Hastings Retail Store discounts, coupons and gift cards are not valid for use on eBay.Due to the nature of used and PV products; booklet inserts, digital content and manuals are not guaranteed in our used video games, used mov
goHastings Books Music Movies Video Games Electronics Trends Used Visit Our Store Consumer Drug Reference 07 Consumer Reports Format: Trade Cloth (Hardcover) Condition: Used Release Date: 12/12/2006 SKU: 250092252 EAN: 9781933524030 ISBN: 1933524030 goHastings website and Hastings Retail Store discounts, coupons and gift cards are not valid for use on eBay.Due to the nature of used and PV products; booklet inserts, digital content and manuals are not guaranteed in our used video games, used mov
Consumer Drug Reference 2006 (Consumer Drug Reference Online
These experts have worked with the United States Pharmacopeias (USP) to provide:
" Unbiased, authoritative information on more than 11,000 drugs; including vitamins,