Author: Ray Sahelian
Edition: 1st
Binding: Paperback
ISBN: 0312195842
Edition: 1st
Binding: Paperback
ISBN: 0312195842
Mind Boosters: A Guide to Natural Supplements That Enhance Your Mind, Memory, and Mood
Everyone forgets things sometimes. But do you ever feel like you can't keep track of simple things like acquaintances' names, your car keys, and the two things you needed to pick up on the way home? As America's population ages, more and more people are struggling with the fact that their memory and mental power are not that they used to be. Maybe you've tried "exercising" your mind, or maybe you've just started keeping better "to do" lists. But a proven way to improve your mind, memory and mood is to feed your brain the nutrients it needs to function at its peak performance level. Over the past few years, scientists have discovered dozens of new supplements that enhance and sharpen memory, intelligence, vision, and mental performance.
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Powered by Frooition Pro Click here to view full size. Full Size Image Click to close full size. Mind Boosters - Book NEW Author(s): Ray Sahelian, Karlis Ullis MD Format: Paperback # Pages: 300 ISBN-13: 9780312195847 Published: 07/07/2000 Language: English Weight: 0.64 pounds In a series of sensible, step-by-step programs, a distinguished physician and nutritional expert explains how to use herbs, hormones, amino acids, and other nutrients to help patients with Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, ADD,

Over the past few years, dozens of new supplements have been introduced to enhance and sharpen memory, intelligence, and mental performance. In Mind Boosters, Dr. Ray Sahelian, one of the most respected nutrition experts in the world, examines the very latest research regarding these breakthrough brain nutrients, amino acids, herbs, and hormones, and offers a scientific and practical evaluation of their benefits and risks. He explains how brain-boosting supplements are combined to help patients with Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, Attention Deficit Disorder, and other conditions, as well as general
Mind Boosters Online
But do you ever feel like you can't keep track of simple things like acquaintances' names, your car keys, and the two things you needed to pick up on the way home? As America's population ages, more and more people are struggling with the fact that their memory and mental power are not that they used to be. Maybe you've tried "exercising" your mind, or maybe you've just started keeping better "to do" lists. But a proven way to improve your mind, memory and mood is to feed your brain the nutrients it needs to function at its peak performance level. Over the past few years, scientists have discovered dozens of new supplements that enhance and sharpen memory, intelligence, vision, and mental performance
ut do you ever feel like you can't keep track of simple things like acquaintances' names, your car keys, and the two things you needed to pick up on the way home? As America's population ages, more and more people are struggling with the fact that their memory and mental power are not that they used to be. Maybe you've tried "exercising" your mind, or maybe you've just started keeping better "to do" lists. But a proven way to improve your mind, memory and mood is to feed your brain the nutrients it needs to function at its peak performance level. Over the past few years, scientists have discovered dozens of new supplements that enhance and sharpen memory, intelligence, vision, and mental performance.