Edition: 1
Binding: Paperback
ISBN: 0826102999
Edition: 1
Binding: Paperback
ISBN: 0826102999
Nursing Knowledge Development and Clinical Practice: Opportunities and Directions
How does nursing knowledge develop and how do we incorporate this knowledge into the practice of nursing? Is it possible for nursing theory to address the needs of clinical practice? These key questions in the field of nursing are explored in this groundbreaking work. Based on their five-year experience as co-chairs of the New England Knowledge Conferences and the contributions of nurse clinicians and academics, the book addresses issues critical to improving the quality and delivery of health care. Concentrating on four major themes--the current state of nursing knowledge, the philosophy of nursing knowledge, the integration of nursing knowledge with practice, and examples of the impact on health care delivery when nursing kno How does nursing knowledge develop and how do we incorporate this knowledge into the practice of nursing? Is it possible for nursing theory to address the needs of clinical practice? These key questions Read medical textbooks online like Nursing Knowledge Development and Clinical Practice here

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TheNile.com.au About FAQ Payment Delivery Contact Us 1800-987-323 Nursing Knowledge Development and Clinical Practice Format Paperback Condition Brand New How does nursing knowledge develop and how do we incorporate this knowledge into the practice of nursing? Is it possible for nursing theory to address the needs of clinical practice? These key questions in the field of nursing are explored in this groundbreaking work. Based on their five-year experience as co-chairs of the New England Knowled
Store Search search Title, ISBN and Author Nursing Knowledge Development and Clinical Practice Estimated delivery 3-12 business days Format Paperback Condition Brand New How does nursing knowledge develop and how do we incorporate this knowledge into the practice of nursing? Is it possible for nursing theory to address the needs of clinical practice? These key questions in the field of nursing are explored in this groundbreaking work. Based on their five-year experience as co-chairs of the New
Nursing Knowledge Development And Clinical Practice , ISBN-13: 9780826102997, ISBN-10: 0826102999
Nursing Knowledge Development and Clinical Practice Online
Concentrating on four major themes--the current state of nursing knowledge, the philosophy of nursing knowledge, the integration of nursing knowledge with practice, and examples of the impact on health care delivery when nursing kno