Author: Dr. Herminio L. Gamponia MD FACIP
Binding: Paperback
ISBN: 143498012X
Binding: Paperback
ISBN: 143498012X
Great Prescriptions to a Better You
This book, Great Prescriptions to a Better You, can be one of the best investments one can have. All the articles in this book will no doubt transform one's life from misery, poverty, and physical, emotional, and mental problems to a life of abundance, peace, and success.
This book outlines the steps of achieving one's goal in the shortest and most effective way. It reveals the attitude, habits, and character of successful people. It portrays the meaning of discipline and how a student may excel in academics. It reveals the better choices in life. It outlines the greatest credo of a good teenager, leader, and doctor. It also outlines how to study the Bible and how to pray so the good Lord will hear one's prayer with favor. It also me Buy BEST PRESCRIPTIONS TO BETTER YOU by Dr. Herminio L. Gamponia, MD, FACIP and Read this Book on Kobo's Free Apps. Discover Kobo's Vast Collection of Ebooks Today - Over 3 Million Titles, Including 2 Million Free Ones! Read medical textbooks online like Great Prescriptions to a Better You here

Great Prescriptions To A Better You

New Paperback.

Best Prescriptions to Better You Trafford Publishing 9781466903791 09781466903791
Best Prescriptions To Better You, ISBN-13: 9781466903791, ISBN-10: 1466903791
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All the articles in this book will no doubt transform one's life from misery, poverty, and physical, emotional, and mental problems to a life of abundance, peace, and success.
This book outlines the steps of achieving one's goal in the shortest and most effective way. It reveals the attitude, habits, and character of successful people. It portrays the meaning of discipline and how a student may excel in academics
It also me