Author: Sheila C. Hunt PhD MSc(Econ) MBA ILTM RGN RM PGCE
Edition: 1
Binding: Paperback
ISBN: 0750687983
Edition: 1
Binding: Paperback
ISBN: 0750687983
Poverty, Pregnancy and the Healthcare Professional, 1e
This U. . book examines the ways in which a group of childbearing women living in poverty in the west Midlands of England attempted to make sense of their lives and experiences. Examining the different ways in which individual women experience pregnancy and poverty, Sheila Hunt illustrates how the private stresses and strains of poverty impact on how women cope with family life. The changing and varied relationships with male partners and the support systems provided by grandmothers play a large part in these women's lives, as does their well-developed sense of responsibility and intention to do their best by their children despite their circumstances. The aim of is to attempt to provide an understanding of what it is like to be both pregnant Examines the ways in which a group of childbearing women living in poverty in the west Midlands of England attempted to make sense of their lives. This book aims to provide an understanding of what it is like to be both pregnant and poor and tries to show how midwives and health professionals can use this insight to offer more sensitive care. Read medical textbooks online like Poverty, Pregnancy and the Healthcare Professional here

Poverty, Pregnancy and the Healthcare Professional, 9780750687980
Poverty, Pregnancy and the Healthcare Professional, ISBN-13: 9780750687980, ISBN-10: 0750687983

This UK book examines the ways in which a group of childbearing women living in poverty in the west Midlands of England attempted to make sense of their lives and experiences. Examining the different ways in which individual women experience pregnancy and poverty, Sheila Hunt illustrates how the private stresses and strains of poverty impact on how women cope with family life. The changing and varied relationships with male partners and the support systems provided by grandmothers play a large part in these womens lives, as does their well-developed sense of responsibility and intention to do
Contributors: Sheila C. Hunt - Author. Format: Paperback
author sheila c hunt format paperback language english publication year 16 03 2004 subject medicine subject 2 medical nursing ancillary services author s sheila c hunt content note black white illustrations country of publication united kingdom date of publication 16 03 2004 format paperback format details trade paperback us genre level 1 adult non fiction specialist genre level 2 medicine genre level 3 medical nursing ancillary services height 229 mm isbn 10 0750687983 isbn 13 9780750687980 imp
Poverty, Pregnancy and the Healthcare Professional Online
. book examines the ways in which a group of childbearing women living in poverty in the west Midlands of England attempted to make sense of their lives and experiences. Examining the different ways in which individual women experience pregnancy and poverty, Sheila Hunt illustrates how the private stresses and strains of poverty impact on how women cope with family life. The changing and varied relationships with male partners and the support systems provided by grandmothers play a large part in these women's lives, as does their well-developed sense of responsibility and intention to do their best by their children despite their circumstances
book examines the ways in which a group of childbearing women living in poverty in the west Midlands of England attempted to make sense of their lives and experiences. Examining the different ways in which individual women experience pregnancy and poverty, Sheila Hunt illustrates how the private stresses and strains of poverty impact on how women cope with family life. The changing and varied relationships with male partners and the support systems provided by grandmothers play a large part in these women's lives, as does their well-developed sense of responsibility and intention to do their best by their children despite their circumstances. The aim of is to attempt to provide an understanding of what it is like to be both pregnant