Author: Marilyn H. Oermann PhD RN FAAN
Edition: 1
Binding: Paperback
ISBN: 082612447X
Edition: 1
Binding: Paperback
ISBN: 082612447X
Annual Review of Nursing Education, Volume 4, 2006: Innovations in Curriculum, Teaching, and Student and Faculty Development
Designated a Doody's Core Title! This is "must" reading for anyone teaching nursing, at any level, in any program or institution. Covers trends and innovative strategies to help you develop a curriculum and be more effective in using it. Educators describe problems--such as students who cannot write or high NCLEX failure rates--and how they tackled and solved them. Each chapter contains common sense approaches to every educator's questions. A resource no nursing education program can afford to be without. Read medical textbooks online like Annual Review of Nursing Education, Volume 4, 2006 here

Annual Review Of Nursing Education: Volume 4, 2006 Ebook

Designated a Doody's Core Title!
This is must reading for anyone teaching nursing, at any level, in any program or institution. Covers trends and innovative strategies to help you develop a curriculum and be more effective in using it. Educators describe problemssuch as students who cannot write or high nclex failure ratesand how they tackled and solved them. Each chapter contains common sense approaches to every educator's questions. A resource no nursing education program can afford to be without.
This is must reading for anyone teaching nursing, at any level, in any program or institution. Covers trends and innovative strategies to help you develop a curriculum and be more effective in using it. Educators describe problemssuch as students who cannot write or high nclex failure ratesand how they tackled and solved them. Each chapter contains common sense approaches to every educator's questions. A resource no nursing education program can afford to be without.

Springer Publishing Company 2005-12-12. Paperback. New. Very good condition.
Contributors: Marilyn H. Oermann - Author. Format: Paperback

Annual Review of Nursing Education, Volume 4, 2006 Online