Author: Wendy Chapkis
Edition: 1
Binding: Paperback
ISBN: 0814716679
Edition: 1
Binding: Paperback
ISBN: 0814716679
Dying to Get High: Marijuana as Medicine
Dying to Get High with Susie Bright on Boing Boing!Warring Wines; 'You Want to Fight?'; Nurse Mary Jane in Santa CruzHigh Times interviews the authorsAlternet excerpt of the book ("How Pot Became Demonized")Discussion from the Santa Cruz MetroMarijuana as medicine has been a politically charged topic in this country for more than three decades. Despite overwhelming public support and growing scientific evidence of its therapeutic effects (relief of the nausea caused by chemotherapy for cancer and AIDS, control over seizures or spasticity caused by epilepsy or MS, and relief from chronic and acute pain, to name a few), the drug remains illegal under federal law.In Dying to Get High, noted sociologist Wendy Chapkis and Richard J. Web Dying to Get High Read medical textbooks online like Dying to Get High here

Dying To Get High: Marijuana As Medicine
Dying to Get High: Marijuana as Medicine; ISBN: 0814716679; Condition: New

Dying to Get High New York University Press 9780814716663 09780814716663
Dying to Get High: Marijuana as Medicine, ISBN-13: 9780814716670, ISBN-10: 0814716679
Dying to Get High: Marijuana as Medicine ISBN/UPC 0814716679 Title:Dying to Get High: Marijuana as Medicine Authors:Chapkis, Wendy, Webb, Richard J.Binding:Publisher:NYU Press Publication Date:Aug 3 2008 Edition: Condition :Used - Good About More Than Words More Than Words is a nonprofit social enterprise that empowers youth who are in the foster care system, court involved, homeless, or out of school to take charge of their lives by taking charge of a business. Payment We accept PayPal for all
Dying to Get High Online
Despite overwhelming public support and growing scientific evidence of its therapeutic effects (relief of the nausea caused by chemotherapy for cancer and AIDS, control over seizures or spasticity caused by epilepsy or MS, and relief from chronic and acute pain, to name a few), the drug remains illegal under federal law