Binding: Paperback
ISBN: 068303877X
Binding: Paperback
ISBN: 068303877X
Nursing Care Planning Guides for Childbearing Families (Applying nursing diagnosis)
This study guide includes chapter overviews, key terms, and learning objectives as well as case studies and a range of practice exercises--matching, multiple-choice, true/false, fill-in-the-blank, and short answer. Readers will also learn to develop nursing care plans and patient teaching plans and explore nursing care priorities for clinical and community settings. Read medical textbooks online like Nursing Care Planning Guides for Childbearing Families here

Nursing Care Planning Guides For Childbearing Families

This book is written by Brenda Hanson-Smith Published by Williams & Wilkins In 1998 and is available in Paperback Usually Ships in 3 Days.

This study guide includes chapter overviews, key terms, and learning objectives as well as case studies and a range of practice exercises--matching, multiple-choice, true/false, fill-in-the-blank, and short answer. Readers will also learn to develop nursing care plans and patient teaching plans and explore nursing care priorities for clinical and community settings.

Now in a fully revised updated Fifth Edition this text helps nurses understand wellness and illness as family centered events Using a nursing process framework the book presents information in a clear reader friendly fashion Each chapter begins with Key Terms Learning Objectives and a Case Study and ends with Key Points and Critical Thinking Exercises New to this edition are Focus on Nursing Care Planning Multidisciplinary Care boxes which guide nurses in working with other healthcare providers Other features include NIC and NOC Focus on Pharmacology Focus on Communication and Assessing the Cl

This study guide includes chapter overviews, key terms, and learning objectives as well as case studies and a range of practice exercises--matching, multiple-choice, true/false, fill-in-the-blank, and short answer. Readers will also learn to develop nursing care plans and patient teaching plans and explore nursing care priorities for clinical and community settings.
Nursing Care Planning Guides for Childbearing Families Online