Author: Carol Hall
Binding: Paperback
ISBN: 1844451585
Binding: Paperback
ISBN: 1844451585
What is Nursing?: Exploring Theory and Practice (Transforming Nursing Practice)
The role of the nurse is changing to meet evermore complex healthcare needs in modern society. It is essential for students to understand the various strands that make nursing what it is, in order to develop their own professional identity and deliver the best care to their patients. This book clearly explores theories of nursing through their application within nursing practice. It first considers the nature of nursing and how it is defined as a profession. It then looks at the nature of nursing as an activity Aa" what its aims are and how these aims are met through systems of care delivery. The book also considers nursing globally within other cultures and how sharing ideas can benefit nursing practice. Through group interviews with registered Categories: Nursing. Contributors: Carol Hall - Author. Format: Paperback Read medical textbooks online like What is Nursing? here

What Is Nursing?: Exploring Theory and Practice
Categories: Nursing. Contributors: Carol Hall - Author. Format: Paperback
Categories: Nursing. Contributors: Carol Hall - Author. Format: Paperback
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New Paperback.
What is Nursing? Online
It is essential for students to understand the various strands that make nursing what it is, in order to develop their own professional identity and deliver the best care to their patients. This book clearly explores theories of nursing through their application within nursing practice. It first considers the nature of nursing and how it is defined as a profession. It then looks at the nature of nursing as an activity Aa" what its aims are and how these aims are met through systems of care delivery
Through group interviews with registered