Author: Sue Hawkins
Edition: 1
Binding: Hardcover
ISBN: 0415551692
Edition: 1
Binding: Hardcover
ISBN: 0415551692
Nursing and Women's Labour in the Nineteenth Century: The Quest for Independence
This book presents a new examination of Victorian nurses which challenges commonly-held assumptions about their character and motivation. Nineteenth century nursing history has, until now, concentrated almost exclusively on nurse leaders, on the development of nursing as a profession and the politics surrounding registration. This emphasis on big themes, and reliance on the writings of nursing's upper stratum, has resulted in nursing history being littered with stereotypes. This book is one of the first attempts to understand, in detail, the true nature of Victorian nursing at ground level. Uniquely, the study views nursing through an economic lens, as opposed to the more usual vocational focus. Nursing is placed in the wider context of womena Buy Nursing and Women's Labour in the Nineteenth Century: The Quest for Independence by Sue Hawkins and Read this Book on Kobo's Free Apps. Discover Kobo's Vast Collection of Ebooks Today - Over 3 Million Titles, Including 2 Million Free Ones! Read medical textbooks online like Nursing and Women's Labour in the Nineteenth Century here

Nursing and Womens Labour in the Nineteenth Century The Quest for Independence

Nursing and Womens Labour in the Nineteenth Century The Quest for Independence
Buy Nursing and Women's Labour in the Nineteenth Century by Sue Hawkins and Read this Book on Kobo's Free Apps. Discover Kobo's Vast Collection of Ebooks Today - Over 3 Million Titles, Including 2 Million Free Ones!

This book is written by Sue Hawkins Published by Taylor & Francis Group In 2010 and is available in Hardback POD will be shipped in 0 Days.

Nursing and Women's Labour in the Nineteenth Century Online
Nineteenth century nursing history has, until now, concentrated almost exclusively on nurse leaders, on the development of nursing as a profession and the politics surrounding registration. This emphasis on big themes, and reliance on the writings of nursing's upper stratum, has resulted in nursing history being littered with stereotypes. This book is one of the first attempts to understand, in detail, the true nature of Victorian nursing at ground level. Uniquely, the study views nursing through an economic lens, as opposed to the more usual vocational focus
ineteenth century nursing history has, until now, concentrated almost exclusively on nurse leaders, on the development of nursing as a profession and the politics surrounding registration. This emphasis on big themes, and reliance on the writings of nursing's upper stratum, has resulted in nursing history being littered with stereotypes. This book is one of the first attempts to understand, in detail, the true nature of Victorian nursing at ground level. Uniquely, the study views nursing through an economic lens, as opposed to the more usual vocational focus. Nursing is placed in the wider context of womena