Author: Philip D. Hansten
Edition: 1
Binding: Paperback
ISBN: 0981944035
Edition: 1
Binding: Paperback
ISBN: 0981944035
Top 100 Drug Interactions 2012: A Guide to Patient Management (Hansten, Top 100 Drug Interactions)
The Top 100 Drug Interactions: A Guide to Patient Management, 2012 edition, is a pocket-sized reference to drug interactions written by the acknowledged experts in the field. The book contains information on over 6000 individual, clinically significant drug interactions, grouped in about 160 monographs. The Top 100 Drug Interactions focuses on the drug interactions that really matter. Drug interactions may cause significant injury to patients, sometimes even permanent damage, often leading to an increased cost of care. Drug interactions have been reported to be the fourth leading cause of death in hospitalized patients. This book will help you avoid the risk of a dangerous drug-drug interaction. Each drug interaction description includes a brief New Paperback. Read medical textbooks online like Top 100 Drug Interactions 2012 here

Top 100 Drug Interactions 2012: A Guide to Patient M..., 9780981944036
Top 100 Drug Interactions 2012: A Guide to Patient Management (Hansten, Top 100 Drug Interactions), ISBN-13: 9780981944036, ISBN-10: 0981944035

"Dr. Stoelting's best-selling and highly acclaimed text, Pharmacology and Physiology in Anesthetic Practice, is now in its thoroughly updated Fourth Edition. In 60 concise, clearly written chapters, this book provides comprehensive, current, clinically oriented, authoritative information on all aspects of pharmacology and physiology that are relevant to perioperative patient management. This edition includes all new drugs and new findings on actions and interactions of established drugs.More than 400 diagrams and more than 100 tables complement the text. This edition's new two-color page desig

"Dr. Stoelting's best-selling and highly acclaimed text, Pharmacology and Physiology in Anesthetic Practice, is now in its thoroughly updated Fourth Edition. In 60 concise, clearly written chapters, this book provides comprehensive, current, clinically oriented, authoritative information on all aspects of pharmacology and physiology that are relevant to perioperative patient management. This edition includes all new drugs and new findings on actions and interactions of established drugs.More than 400 diagrams and more than 100 tables complement the text. This edition's new two-color page desig

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Top 100 Drug Interactions 2012 Online
The book contains information on over 6000 individual, clinically significant drug interactions, grouped in about 160 monographs. The Top 100 Drug Interactions focuses on the drug interactions that really matter. Drug interactions may cause significant injury to patients, sometimes even permanent damage, often leading to an increased cost of care. Drug interactions have been reported to be the fourth leading cause of death in hospitalized patients
Each drug interaction description includes a brief