Author: Win M. Castle MD FFPP MB BS MIS MFCM
Edition: 3
Binding: Paperback
ISBN: 0443045429
Edition: 3
Binding: Paperback
ISBN: 0443045429
Stastistics in Small Doses, 3e
Many medical and pharmaceutical workers have very little knowledge of statistics. Yet statistics is one of the tools must commonly used in their field. This book aims to give the reader a clear understanding of statistics, particularly in a medical context.The book has been carefully structured to make it easy to use and to learn from. The numerical examples used are simple, to ensure the reader grasps quickly the underlying principles, and the first part of the book is particularly easy reading to encourage the reader initially. The main part of the book dispenses in formation in small doses called 'frames' with questions and answers designed to continously test the reader's grasp of the subject matter. This makes the book particularly useful by Win M. Castle - Elsevier Science (1995) - Paperback - ISBN 0443045429 9780443045424 Read medical textbooks online like Stastistics in Small Doses here

Statistics in Small Doses, 9780443045424
Statistics in Small Doses, ISBN-13: 9780443045424, ISBN-10: 0443045429

This book is written by PM North, Win M. Castle Published by Churchill Livingstone In 1997 and is available in Paperback Usually Ships in 3 Days.

This book offers a set of case studies exemplifying the broad range of statistical science used in evnironmental studies and application. The case studies can be used for graduate courses in environmental statistics, as a resource for courses in statistics using genuine examples to illustrate statistical methodology and theory, and for courses in environmental science. Not only are these studies valuable for teaching about an essential cross-disciplinary activity, but also they can be used to spur new research along directions exposed in these examples. The studies reported here resulted from

This book offers a set of case studies exemplifying the broad range of statistical science used in evnironmental studies and application. The case studies can be used for graduate courses in environmental statistics, as a resource for courses in statistics using genuine examples to illustrate statistical methodology and theory, and for courses in environmental science. Not only are these studies valuable for teaching about an essential cross-disciplinary activity, but also they can be used to spur new research along directions exposed in these examples. The studies reported here resulted from
Stastistics in Small Doses Online
Yet statistics is one of the tools must commonly used in their field. This book aims to give the reader a clear understanding of statistics, particularly in a medical context.The book has been carefully structured to make it easy to use and to learn from. The numerical examples used are simple, to ensure the reader grasps quickly the underlying principles, and the first part of the book is particularly easy reading to encourage the reader initially
This makes the book particularly useful