Author: Karen Holland
Edition: 1
Binding: Paperback
ISBN: 0199563101
Edition: 1
Binding: Paperback
ISBN: 0199563101
Nursing Research and Evidence-Based Practice Skills (Prepare for Practice)
To deliver safe and effective patient care student nurses need to find, critique, and use evidence in every day nursing decisions and academic work, Consequently they need a new textbook that goes further than simply explaining research methods. Nursing Evidence based practice has been developed as a one stop shop for research theory and evidence based practice skills for all aspects of the pre-registration nursing course - in both the classroom and on clinical placement.
Taking a logical approach, the authors introduce the role of evidence based practice in nursing before explaining how research is produced and how students can find, read and critique it in order to make informed care decisions. Theory is applied to both academic Categories: Nursing->Research->Methodology, Evidence-based nursing. Contributors: Karen Holland - Editor. Format: Paperback Read medical textbooks online like Nursing Research and Evidence-Based Practice Skills here

Nursing Research and Evidence-Based Practice Skills
Categories: Nursing->Research->Methodology, Evidence-based nursing. Contributors: Karen Holland - Editor. Format: Paperback
Nursing Research and Evidence-Based Practice Skills, ISBN-13: 9780199563104, ISBN-10: 0199563101
format paperback language english publication year 22 04 2010 series prepare for practice subject medicine subject 2 medical nursing ancillary services goddings limited presents nursing research and evidence based practice skills prepare for practice isbn 0199563101 author karen holland colin rees publisher oxford university press usa date 2010 06 18 seller sku gard 0199563104 qty available 1 format paperback condition new notes brand new book will ship 1 st class to the uk or airmail worldwide

This book is written by Colin Rees , Karen Holland Published by Oxford University Press In 2010 and is available in Paperback Usually Ships in 2 Days.
Nursing Research and Evidence-Based Practice Skills Online
Nursing Evidence based practice has been developed as a one stop shop for research theory and evidence based practice skills for all aspects of the pre-registration nursing course - in both the classroom and on clinical placement
Theory is applied to both academic