Author: M.D. Sara G. Shields
Edition: 1
Binding: Paperback
ISBN: 1846191610
Edition: 1
Binding: Paperback
ISBN: 1846191610
Women-Centered Care in Pregnancy and Childbirth (Patient-Centered Care)
A woman-centered approach to pregnancy must be flexible enough to address the variety of women's experiences around the world, encompassing medical conditions, cultures and family structures. It must also include women who choose not to carry a pregnancy or experience a miscarriage. This unique woman-centered text explores all these issues and more, providing a vital resource for primary care maternity clinicians and trainees including family physicians, nurse practitioners, women's health clinicians, midwives, obstetrical nurses and obstetricians. It applies the powerful, proven model of patient-centered care to pregnancy and birth - an expansion beyond previous applications to various chronic illnesses. Woman-Centered Care in Pregnancy and Women-Centered Care in Pregnancy and Childbirth (Patient-Centered Care Series), ISBN-13: 9781846191619, ISBN-10: 1846191610 Read medical textbooks online like Women-Centered Care in Pregnancy and Childbirth here

Women-centered Care In Pregnancy And Childbirth Sara Shields 1 9781846191619
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format paperback language english publication year 25 01 2010 series patient centered care subject medicine subject 2 medical nursing ancillary services title women centered care in pregnancy and childbirth author shields sara g candib lucy m publisher radcliffe pub publication date jan 01 2010 pages 575 binding paperback edition 1 st dimensions 6 75 wx 9 50 hx 1 25 d isbn 1846191610 subject medical gynecology obstetrics description the patient centered clinical method is adapted to pregnancy
format paperback language english publication year 25 01 2010 series patient centered care subject medicine subject 2 medical nursing ancillary services content note illustrations country of publication united kingdom date of publication 25 01 2010 edited by lucy m candib sara g shields format paperback genre level 1 adult non fiction specialist genre level 2 medicine genre level 3 medical nursing ancillary services height 246 mm isbn 10 1846191610 isbn 13 9781846191619 imprint radcliffe publish

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