Author: Donald Birkett
Edition: Australian
Binding: Flexibound
ISBN: 0070285276
Edition: Australian
Binding: Flexibound
ISBN: 0070285276
Pocket Guide: Pharmacokinetics Made Easy (Pocket Guides)
A Pocket Guides Book/Adventure Pub. 2012. 26pp. thick laminated covers and pages tab index spiral bound. Illustrated. Paperback. New. 32mo - over 4" - 5" tall. Read medical textbooks online like Pocket Guide here

Pocket Guide to Weather Forecasting
Contributors: Incorporated Pocket Guides Publishing - Author. Format: Other Format

Pocket Guide to Geo-Metrics III accompanies the Geo-Metrics III text. Geo-Metrics III helps engineers and designers implement design and product requirements throughout the cycle--from design to manufacture to assembly--using universal standards and practices that result in reduced cost and high quality products.

A DAVIS'S NOTES BOOK The 3rd Edition of this popular resource continues to provide practical, clinically oriented content for the delivery of safe and effective health care in hospital and home settings. Its handy pocket size and waterproof pages are great on the go, while NCLEX tips make it perfect for preparing for the NCLEXr-PN exam. Thoroughly revised and updated, you'll have access to even more of the commonly-used by rarely memorized clinical information that nurses and students need.

Offers guidance to Barbados, with 11 itineraries and excursions taking in sights ranging from the Mullins Beach to 17th-century Sunbury Great House. This guide also includes a chapter detailing the Caribbean island's history and culture, as well as leisure-time suggestions and an information section with contact addresses and numbers.
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