Author: Emergency Nurses Association
Edition: 3rd Revised
Binding: Paperback
ISBN: 0757512216
Edition: 3rd Revised
Binding: Paperback
ISBN: 0757512216
CEN Review Manual
- 4th printing
- Fourth Printing 2009 edition
NOTE: This is THE OFFICIAL ENA Publication. Released 2011 CEN Review Manual (Fourth Edition)The fourth edition of the CEN Review Manual contains valuable tools to enhance your preparation for the CEN® examination. Five chapters in the book contain a simulated test consisting of 150 questions.In addition, access to two computerized web-based tests of 175 questions each are provided. This feature will allow the learner to practice taking the CEN exam in the same environment as the actual CEN exa Read medical textbooks online like CEN Review Manual here

Cen Review Manual , 9780757512216
Cen Review Manual , ISBN-13: 9780757512216, ISBN-10: 0757512216

The CEN Review Manual is especially crafted for CEN examination or nursing recertification preparation. This Book on emergency nursing ensures covering all the assessment topics and concepts, potential to come in the CEN examination. Readers will find over 1000 new questions in this CEN examination guidance. Authored by emergency nursing experts, this Book on emergency nursing is one of the best nursing books to be referred by the CEN aspirants. Employing a distinct, accessible and user-friendly writing approach, this CEN examination guidance sets higher standards of excellence. The CEN Review

Here we have a Unique and VERY RARE decorating Manul dating back to 1964. The Manual is in GREAT shape, shows little or no wear. Just flipping through the pages, brings back memories of times past..
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What a thrill this could be for someone who loves these OLD things...And also a great addition to the collectors library or the AVID Designer who loves Mid Century Design.
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