Author: Sara Wickham RM MA BA(Hons) PGCE(A)
Edition: 2
Binding: Paperback
ISBN: 0750652322
Edition: 2
Binding: Paperback
ISBN: 0750652322
Anti-D in Midwifery: Panacea or Paradox?, 2e
Over the last 30 years, Anti-D, or Rhogam as it is known in the USA, has become accepted as being routinely advisable for rhesus negative women. Yet the question remains that - if women's bodies are designed to give birth without intervention for the majority of the time - why is this necessary? This book explores the paradox between physiological birth and the routine 'need' for anti-D and highlights some interesting evidence which may throw light on this paradox. Are women's bodies really fallible, or could some women's need for anti-D be caused by medical intervention in childbirth? Do women being offered anti-D know that this is a blood product which may carry attendent risks? What information do women need in order to decide whether Anti-D in Midwifery : Paperback : Elsevier Health Sciences : 9780750652322 : 0750652322 : 13 Jun 2001 : Presents and discusses the results of research carried out to expand midwifery knowledge. This work takes a reflective approach, which raises critical questions of philosophy and practice relating to this area - Anti-D in Midwifery, and other areas of knowledge. Read medical textbooks online like Anti-D in Midwifery here

Anti-D In Midwifery: Panacea Or Paradox?

New Paperback.
Anti-D in Midwifery Panacea or Paradox?, ISBN-13: 9780750652322, ISBN-10: 0750652322

Over the last 30 years, Anti-D, or Rhogam as it is known in the USA, has become accepted as being routinely advisable for rhesus negative women. Yet the question remains that - if women's bodies are designed to give birth without intervention for the majority of the time - why is this necessary? This book explores the paradox between physiological birth and the routine 'need' for anti-D and highlights some interesting evidence which may throw light on this paradox. Are women's bodies really fallible, or could some women's need for anti-D be caused by medical intervention in childbirth? Do wome

Over the last 30 years, Anti-D, or Rhogam as it is known in the USA, has become accepted as being routinely advisable for rhesus negative women. Yet the question remains that - if women's bodies are designed to give birth without intervention for the majority of the time - why is this necessary? This book explores the paradox between physiological birth and the routine 'need' for anti-D and highlights some interesting evidence which may throw light on this paradox. Are women's bodies really fallible, or could some women's need for anti-D be caused by medical intervention in childbirth? Do wome
Anti-D in Midwifery Online
Are women's bodies really fallible, or could some women's need for anti-D be caused by medical intervention in childbirth? Do women being offered anti-D know that this is a blood product which may carry attendent risks? What information do women need in order to decide whether