Author: Sheila J. Ogden RN MSN
Edition: 7
Binding: Paperback
ISBN: 0323041108
Edition: 7
Binding: Paperback
ISBN: 0323041108
Calculation of Drug Dosages, Revised Reprint, 7e
This popular dosage calculation work-text helps students master the critical skills necessary to competently and confidently calculate drug dosages. Innovative and practical, it includes information on the ratio and proportion, formula and dimensional analysis methods of drug calculation, and numerous practice problems to accompany these methods. Ideal for students who need an extensive math review in addition to drug calculations content, this new edition features a more logical organization, a new chapter addressing medication administration to critically ill patients, and more practice problems on calculations for pediatric patients. Each copy is packaged with the Daugherty & Romans' Dosages and Solutions Version III CD-ROM companion.Learning objecti This student study guide contains a variety of exercises specifically designed to reinforce content presented in the textbook. Chapter worksheets feature more than 1800 study questions, 160 drug calculation and dosage problems, and case-based critical thinking exercises. Like the Kee text, the study guide features a strong nursing focus and comprehensive coverage of drug dosage calculations, including numerous sample drug labels. Read medical textbooks online like Calculation of Drug Dosages, Revised Reprint here

Calculation Of Drug Dosages By Sheila J. Ogden (2005, Paperback, Revised,...
author sheila j ogden edition description reprint edition description revised format book format trade paper isbn 10 0323041108 isbn 13 9780323041102 language english publication year 20050000 audience college audience author sheila j ogden author for title sheila j ogden book length display 10.9 in dewey edition 21 deweydecimal 615 .14 ean 9780323041102 edition 7 edition description bowker reprint revised format book isbn 0323041108 language english length 10.9 in numberofpages 526 pages number

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Calculation of Drug Dosages, Revised Reprint Online
Learning objecti