Author: Pamela Abbott
Binding: Paperback
ISBN: 0335097421
Binding: Paperback
ISBN: 0335097421
Research into Practice: A Reader for Nurses and the Caring Professions
This text is a collection of examples of research, all concerned in some way with nursing or the study of health anc community care. It illustrates the kind of research that can be done by a small team or a single researcher, without large-scale research grants. The editors have selected papers which sho a great diversity of approaches: differing emphasis on description or explanation, different degrees of structure in design and different appeals to the authority of science ro the authenticity of empathic exploration. They show the limitations typical of small scale projects carried out with limited resources and the experience of applied research as it occurs in practice, as opposed to how it tends to look when discussed in textbooks. The Description not available. Read medical textbooks online like Research into Practice here

Translating Chronic Illness Research into Practice

Translating Chronic Illness Research into Practice - Debbie Kralik, Barbara Paterson, Vivien Coates

On top of offering cutting edge descriptions of performance management needs and solutions, Performance Management provides empirical bases for recommendations, demonstrates how performance management tracks and helps promote organizational change, and exams critical issues.

Clinical Diabetes: Translating Research into Practice - Vivian A. Fonseca
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