Edition: 1
Binding: Paperback
ISBN: 0632038675
Edition: 1
Binding: Paperback
ISBN: 0632038675
Research and its Application (BS - Adv Nursing)
There is increasingly wide agreement amongst teachers, researchers, inspectors, advisers and policy-makers that both teaching and research will benefit from the two activities being brought closer together. But how can this be achieved? Hard-pressed practitioners can hardly be expected constantly to review a constant flow of conference papers, journals and other publications, even if such items were accessible and clearly understood. This unique book synthesizes relevant research findings for the professional practioner and highlights their implications for the quality of teaching and learning. Whether you are a teacher looking to improve your practice through applying the latest thinking in your subject or a researcher searching for a concise review of the literature, this book will be a vital acquisition. Read medical textbooks online like Research and its Application here

Life Style and Criminality: Basic Research and Its Application: Criminological Diagnosis and Prognosis (Paperback)
This monograph contains the results of an interdisciplinary study into the life histories of male delinquents. Conducted by the Institute of Criminology at the University of Tbingen, it compares the biographies of young adult inmates with a random sampling of young men from the general population and considers the results in the light of other studies of a similar nature, primarily from the Anglo-American literature. The significance of this study lies not only in the data presented, but also in the conclusions the author draws concerning subject matter and methods of criminology as an autonom

Categories: Technology. Contributors: John Eggleston - Author. Format: Paperback
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