Author: Pamela Abbott
Edition: 2
Binding: Paperback
ISBN: 0335196950
Edition: 2
Binding: Paperback
ISBN: 0335196950
Research Into Practice 2/E: A Reader (Social Science for Nurses and the Caring Professions)
Praise for the first edition of Research Into Practice and Research Methods for Nurses and the Caring Professions: "These books provide a good introduction for the uninitiated to reading and doing research. Abbott and Sapsford provide a clearly written and accessible introduction to social research...One of their aims is to 'de-mystify' research, and in this they succeed admirably...After reading the text and the articles in the reader, and working through the various research exercises, readers should have a clear appreciation of how to evaluate other people's research and how to begin their own." - David Field, Journal of Palliative Medicine This is a thoroughly revised and up-dated edition of the bestselling reader for nurses and the caring Will your child be attending private high school? Then get... REA's Catholic High School Entrance Exams Test Prep for the COOP - HSPT - TACHS Whether applying to a Catholic high school or other private high school, our test experts show students how to master the COOP (Cooperative Admissions Examination), HSPT (High School Placement Test), and TACHS (Test for Admission into Catholic High Schools) entrance exams. Completely aligned with the most recent test administration, our in-depth subject reviews cover every topic tested on each exam. The COOP review features sequences, analogies, quantitative reasoning, verbal reasoning (words and context), reading and language arts, and mathematics computation. Our HSPT review includes verbal & quantitative skills, reading, mathematics, and language skills. Review material for the optional sections of the HSPT exam (general science, mechanical aptitude, and Catholic religion) is included on CD. The TACHS review covers reading, language, mathematics skills, estimates, and ability. Our test prep gives you everything you need to succeed: - Focused content reviews - Proven test-taking strategies - 6 confidence-building practice exams - 2 COOP, 2 HSPT, and 2 TACHS - Detailed explanations of questions & answers - Powerful diagnostic software to boost your score Key tutorials and targeted drills reinforce the specific skills and abilities needed for each test. Test-taking strategies and study tips are included to boost your confidence and ease test-day anxiety. The book includes 6 complete practice tests (2 for each exam), allowing you to test what you've learned and build your skills. Our TestWare CD features a timed practice test for each exam. The CD comes with automatic scoring, diagnostic feedback, and on-screen detailed explanations of answers. Specifically designed to prepare students for the next step in their education, this test prep is perfect for classroom, family, or individual study "Want to get into the school of your choice? Then get the guide that will boost your score " About DeeperShopping Christian Books DeeperShopping is a Christian owned and operated retail store specializing in the sale of over 250000 Christian products. Our commitment to providing the best products at the best prices is unparalleled. We believe that where you buy your Christian products from matters - and that's why we are both Christian owned and operated. So please do not hesitate to browse our wide selection of family friendly Christian books and products perfect for you and your cherished loved ones. Author Information: Shannon Grey, Pauline Alexander-Travis & David Bell Read medical textbooks online like Research Into Practice 2/E here

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Will your child be attending private high school? Then get... REA's Catholic High School Entrance Exams Test Prep for the COOP - HSPT - TACHS Whether applying to a Catholic high school or other private high school, our test experts show students how to master the COOP (Cooperative Admissions Examination), HSPT (High School Placement Test), and TACHS (Test for Admission into Catholic High Schools) entrance exams. Completely aligned with the most recent test administration, our in-depth subject reviews cover every topic tested on each exam. The COOP review features sequences, analogies, quantita

The Definitive Guide to PR and Communications--updated with the newest social media and brand-reputation tools and techniques The most authoritative, comprehensive resource of its kind, The Handbook of Strategic Public Relations and Integrated Marketing Communications, Second Edition, is a gathering of 70 of the brightest, most influential figures in the field. It includes 27 new chapters as well as 44 new authors addressing the major changes in the field since the last edition: the use of social media in business, demanding and growing stakeholder relationships and a new era of openness and t

The Second Edition of this bestselling text offers students and first-time researchers invaluable guidance to the practice of qualitative social research. Throughout the author addresses the key issues which need to be identified and resolved in the qualitative research process, and through which researchers develop essential skills in qualitative research. The book highlights thedifficult questions' that researchers should get into the habit of asking themselves in the course of doing qualitative research, and outlines the implications of the different ways of responding to these questions. Q
Research Into Practice 2/E Online
Abbott and Sapsford provide a clearly written and accessible introduction to social research...One of their aims is to 'de-mystify' research, and in this they succeed admirably
" - David Field, Journal of Palliative Medicine This is a thoroughly revised and up-dated edition of the bestselling reader for nurses and the caring