Author: Susan Reynolds Whyte
Edition: 1
Binding: Paperback
ISBN: 0521804698
Edition: 1
Binding: Paperback
ISBN: 0521804698
Social Lives of Medicines (Cambridge Studies in Medical Anthropology)
The focus of this book is medicines (swallowed, injected, rubbed on), as understood by anthropologists concerned solely with their social uses. The text begins with examples of a mother medicating a child in various cultural contexts and ends with a broad review of the complex elements that determine the production and use of medicines. Since 1993, Cambridge Studies in Medical Anthropology has offered researchers and instructors monographs and edited collections of leading scholarship in one of the most lively and popular subfields of cultural and social anthropology. Beginning in 2002, the CSMA series presents theme booksworks that synthesize emerging scholarship from relatively new subfields or that reinterpret the literature of older ones. Social Lives of Medicines Cambridge University Press 9780521804691 09780521804691 Read medical textbooks online like Social Lives of Medicines here

Social Lives of Medicines, 9780521800259
Social Lives of Medicines, ISBN-13: 9780521800259, ISBN-10: 0521800250

Social Lives of Medicines Cambridge University Press 9780521804691 09780521804691
author anita hardon author sjaak van der geest author susan reynolds whyte format paperback language english publication year 30 01 2003 series cambridge studies in medical anthropology subject social sciences subject 2 sociology anthropology professional ean 9780521804691 title social lives of medicines sku st 0521804698 product category books comics magazines about speedy hen ltd by continuing with this checkout and ordering from speedy hen you are accepting our current terms and conditions de
Medicines are more than chemical substances with medical effects. They have social lives because they move between people; they carry meaning and offer possibilities for communication and control. This book uses examples from five continents to examine central problems in the study of medicines including social efficacy, symbolism, and commodification.
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