Author: Maggie Mallik BSc(Hons) MPhil DipNursing(Lond) PGCertEd RGN
Edition: 3
Binding: Paperback
ISBN: 0702029408
Edition: 3
Binding: Paperback
ISBN: 0702029408
Nursing Knowledge and Practice: Foundations for Decision Making, 3e
Nursing knowledge and practice is a comprehensive textbook which forms an ideal basis for foundation nursing students. The core emphasis in the organisation and presentation of knowledge in this third edition remains focused on the in-depth knowledge required by nurses to deliver care in the practice setting.
The chapter contents encompass knowledge that applies to all branches of nursing e.g. Communication, Confusion, Aggression and Rehabilitation Safety and Risk, Infection Control, Medicines etc. The structure of all chapters is unique in integrating knowledge from subject areas often taught separately in the nursing curriculum. This enables the foundation student to integrate this range of knowledge in making decisions about the delivery Nursing Knowledge & Practice: Foundations for Decision Making Product Category : Books ISBN : 0702026972 Title : Nursing Knowledge & Practice: Foundations for Decision Making EAN : 9780702026973 Authors : Maggie Mallik BSc(Hons) MPhil DipNursing(Lond) PGC Read medical textbooks online like Nursing Knowledge and Practice here

Nursing Knowledge And Practice Ebook
Buy Nursing Knowledge and Practice by Carol Hall,David Howard,Maggie Mallik and Read this Book on Kobo's Free Apps. Discover Kobo's Vast Collection of Ebooks Today - Over 3 Million Titles, Including 2 Million Free Ones!
Categories: Nursing->Philosophy, Nursing process, Nursing->Practice. Contributors: Mark Risjord - Author. Format: NOOK Book

Nursing Knowledge : Science, Practice, and Philosophy, ISBN-13: 9781405184342, ISBN-10: 1405184345

[ Ships Daily ] Condition: Excellent[ Underlining/Highlighting: NONE ] [ Writing: NONE ] Nursing Knowledge: Science, Practice, and Philosophy By Mark W. Risjord ISBN: 1405184345 Edition:first Publisher: Wiley-Blackwell Pub Date: 12/21/2009 Binding: Paperback Pages: 264
Nursing Knowledge and Practice Online
The core emphasis in the organisation and presentation of knowledge in this third edition remains focused on the in-depth knowledge required by nurses to deliver care in the practice setting.
The chapter contents encompass knowledge that applies to all branches of nursing e.g. Communication, Confusion, Aggression and Rehabilitation Safety and Risk, Infection Control, Medicines etc
This enables the foundation student to integrate this range of knowledge in making decisions about the delivery