Edition: illustrated edition
Binding: Paperback
ISBN: 080163329X
Edition: illustrated edition
Binding: Paperback
ISBN: 080163329X
Current Practice in Obstetric and Gynaecologic Nursing: v. 1 (Mosby's current practice and perspectives in nursing series)
The most current screening, prevention, and management guidelines for more than sixty common outpatient conditions
Every topic updated!
5 star doody'S review! (of a previous edition)
"The audience includes everyone who cares for patients, be they primary care clinicians, students, or residents in training. The editors, well known academic clinicians, have done a wonderful job….This is a valuable addition to every primary care clinician's personal library at a very reasonable price." Doody's Review Service
This handy, pocket-sized guide draws information from many sources and presents them in an easy-to-use, comprehensive package for use by any primary care clinician. It offers quick-access to the latest guidelines for the most appropriate preventive services, screening methods, and treatment approaches commonly encountered in the outpatient setting.
Drawn from the most reliable sources: government agencies, medical and scientific organizations, and expert panels
Easy-to-follow guideline-based algorithms speed clinical decision making
Spans all areas of general outpatient medicine
Convenient, carry-anywhere size puts today's best practices in your pocket
Website addresses for US government agencies and professional organizations
Updated immunization schedules for all age groups
New evidence and references
More than fifty new topics
Essential for residents and practicing physicians in family medicine, internal medicine, pediatrics, and obstetrics and gynecology; medical and nursing students; registered nurses; nurse practitioners; and physician assistants Read medical textbooks online like Current Practice in Obstetric and Gynaecologic Nursing here

CURRENT Practice Guidelines in Primary Care 2012

The most current screening, prevention, and management guidelines for more than sixty common outpatient conditions Every topic updated!5 STAR DOODY'S REVIEW! (of a previous edition)The audience includes everyone who cares for patients, be they primary care clinicians, students, or residents in training. The editors, well known academic clinicians, have done a wonderful job... This is a valuable addition to every primary care clinician's personal library at a very reasonable price.--Doody's Review ServiceThis handy, pocket-sized guide draws information from many sources and presents them in an

Covers all the recent advances in screening, helping with the assessment of symptoms, prognosis and treatments of breast diseases
Breast diseases are becoming more and more common and health professionals in almost every field will probably come into contact with a patient who has a breast disorder. This third edition provides an account of the current knowledge on benign and malignant breast conditions and the treatment of them.
It covers all the recent advances in screening and adjuvant treatment, including the new aromatase inhibitor clinical trials and improvements in metastatic disease tr
Breast diseases are becoming more and more common and health professionals in almost every field will probably come into contact with a patient who has a breast disorder. This third edition provides an account of the current knowledge on benign and malignant breast conditions and the treatment of them.
It covers all the recent advances in screening and adjuvant treatment, including the new aromatase inhibitor clinical trials and improvements in metastatic disease tr

When mothers feel depressed in the months after childbirth, their feelings have often been dismissed as understandable reactions to the stress of caring for a new baby, perhaps complicated by family and marital demands. Most mothers cope, with varying degrees of support and success, but for many the neglect and misunderstanding of postnatal emotional problems can lead to long-term difficulties, with implications for their families as well as for mental health services. This book provides an understanding of depression following childbirth which draws together current theories and a synthesis o

"A Colonial Lexicon" is the first historical investigation of how childbirth became medicalized in Africa. Rejecting the "colonial encounter" paradigm pervasive in current studies, Nancy Rose Hunt elegantly weaves together stories about autopsies and bicycles, obstetric surgery and male initiation, to reveal how concerns about strange new objects and procedures fashioned the hybrid social world of colonialism and its aftermath in Mobutu's Zaire. Relying on archival research in England and Belgium, as well as fieldwork in the Congo, Hunt reconstructs an ethnographic history of a remote British
Current Practice in Obstetric and Gynaecologic Nursing Online