Author: Sue Hinchliff BA MSc RGN RNT
Edition: 3
Binding: Paperback
ISBN: 0443072868
Edition: 3
Binding: Paperback
ISBN: 0443072868
The Practitioner as Teacher, 3e
This valuable U. . resource is an accessible guide to the important teaching roles which nurses, midwives and health visitors fulfill. This U.K. edition retains the relevance to nursing practice and user-friendly approach which was valued by practitioners. It has been designed to explore the whole process of teaching and learning and how you can use it in your practice, whether with students, patients or other health care professionals. Activities help you reflect on your experience and relate the ideas to your own practice. Each chapter starts with a clear list of learning objectives and ends with a glossary of terms as well as annotated further reading and extensive references.
The U.K.'s third edition will be fully updated according The Practitioner as Teacher, ISBN-13: 9781871364705, ISBN-10: 1871364701 Read medical textbooks online like The Practitioner as Teacher here

The Practitioner As Teacher By Sue Hinchliff
format paperback language english publication year 13 04 1999 subject social sciences subject 2 education teaching the practitioner as teacher isbn 0702024473 title the practitioner as teacher authors sue hinchliff binding paperback publisher bailliere ti
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The Practitioner as Teacher : Paperback : Elsevier Health Sciences : 9780702029998 : 0702029998 : 13 Mar 2009 : Suitable for mentors for student nurses and newly registered nurses, this guide offers information on how to teach others: peers, students, patients and relatives.
author sue hinchliff ba msc rgn rnt format paperback language english publication year 13 04 1999 subject social sciences subject 2 education teaching book details title the practitioner as teacher item condition used item in a good condition author sue hinchliff ba msc rgn rnt isbn 10 0702024473 publisher bailliere tindall isbn 13 9780702024474 published on 1999 04 13 sku awe 9780702024474 binding paperback language english edition 2 list price 19 99 description at awesomebooks we believe that
The Practitioner as Teacher Online
. resource is an accessible guide to the important teaching roles which nurses, midwives and health visitors fulfill. This U.K
's third edition will be fully updated according