Author: Anne-Marie Mooney Cotter
Binding: Hardcover
ISBN: 0754678474
Binding: Hardcover
ISBN: 0754678474
Pregnant Pause
Maternity Discrimination is an ever increasingly important area of the law around the world, affecting both women and men as they juggle parenthood and the workplace. This book allows readers a better understanding of the issue of maternity discrimination and inequality. It looks at the primary role of legislation, which has an impact on the court process, aiming to increase the likelihood of achieving equality at both the national and international levels for those suffering maternity discrimination. It also discusses the two most important trade agreements of our day - namely the North American Free Trade Agreement and the European Union Treaty - in a historical and compelling analysis of maternity discrimination and employment. While many Congratulations to Gingerflame who read my "About Me" page and received 25% off her order! :)PREGNANT PAUSE 13 is an original Artist Trading Card (2.5" x 3.5") signed by me. Color may vary. (You might be able to find this cheaper elsewhere... ;)Substrate is one piece of Yupo polypropylene paper. Medium is Pinata ink.THE REASON WHY: Did you ever click on an artwork hoping to get more info about what the artwork means and/or what the artist was thinking only to find a bunch of mundane information Read medical textbooks online like Pregnant Pause here

A Pregnant Pause Mounted Prints

Mounted Print - Small (8.0" x 11.2"). Additional sizes are available. Mixed media collage. Kindly featured in Art Universe Member Spotlight COLLAGE with traditional mediums Shameless Self-Promotion http://KanchanMahon.com/. Painting. By KanchanMahon. women, red, pregnant, pause, creation, transition, change, birth, reborn
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