Author: APHA
Edition: 1
Binding: Paperback
ISBN: 0875530265
Edition: 1
Binding: Paperback
ISBN: 0875530265
Topics in Maternal and Infant Health: Selections from the American Journal of Public Health
Title: Foundations of Maternal-Newborn and Women's Health Nursing, Ed. 5
Author/Editor: Murray, Sharon; McKinney, Emily
Publisher: Elsevier Health Sciences
Imprint: Saunders
Publication Date: 09/28/2009
Pages: 1056
Size: 8.5 X 10.875 in
Binding: Hardcover
ISBN: 978-1-4377-0259-0Copyright: 2010
Known for its user-friendly, easy-to-understand coverage of complex concepts, this outstanding textbook provides all the information you need to provide competent nursing care to women and newborns. Step-by-step instructions for assessments and interventions help you quickly master key skills and techniques. The importance of understanding family, culture, client teaching, communication, and clinical decision making is emphasized throughout. This edition also features a new title that reflects its expanded coverage of women's health issues.
Key Features:
More than 30 Nursing Care Plans with critical thinking questions help you to apply the nursing process to clinical situations and provide models for effective client and family care.
UNIQUE! Communication Cues provide guidance for interpreting client and family statements and behaviors.
UNIQUE! Therapeutic Communication boxes illustrate actual client and family dialogues that can be used in clinical practice.
Procedures provide clear instructions for performing common maternity skills and procedures, with rationales for each step.
Critical Thinking Exercises present realistic clinical situations and challenge you to prioritize and think critically.
Check Your Reading questions at the end of each section help you assess your mastery of key content.
Drug Guides outline important indications, adverse reactions, and nursing considerations for the most commonly used medications.
UNIQUE! Want to Know Boxes offer extensive client education guidelines for maternity and women's health settings.
New to This Edition:
A new chapter on Preventive Care for Women emphasizes health promotion and health maintenance throughout the childbearing years and beyond, including the latest health screening recommendations.
Evidence-based practice boxes reinforce the importance of integrating research-based practice guidelines into practice.
Updated coverage includes current research on hot topics in today's practice, including elective inductions, cesarean deliveries, and the late preterm infant.
Integrated electronic features enhance learning with interactive multimedia content such as video clips and animations.
Author Information:
By Sharon Smith Murray, MSN, RN, C, Professor Emerita, Health Professions, Golden West College, Huntington Beach, CA and Emily Slone McKinney, MSN, RN, C, Baylor Healthcare System, Dallas, TX Read medical textbooks online like Topics in Maternal and Infant Health here

Maternal New Born & Child Health Nursing I

Curriculum Design And Instruction To Teach Maternal-Newborn, and Child Nursing: Family Centered Care: Maternal New Born & Child Health Nursing I: Author: Charles Hayes: Special Features Include: Phases For Conducting A Needs Assessment: Curriculum Design Supplement: Curriculum Design Plan: Curriculum Design Goals: Curriculum Design Objectives: Instructional Goals: Instructional Objectives: Instructional Evaluation Techniques: Instructional Activities: Standard Vocabulary: A Limited Glimpse: Topics Include: I. Introduction A. Maternal, Newborn, and Child Health Nursing: B. Nursing Roles In Mate

Publication Date: October 12, 2009 | ISBN-10: 1437702597 | ISBN-13: 978-1437702590 | Edition: 5
Known for its user-friendly, easy-to-understand coverage of complex concepts, this outstanding textbook provides all the information you need to provide competent nursing care to women and newborns. Step-by-step instructions for assessments and interventions help you quickly master key skills and techniques. The importance of understanding family, culture, client teaching, communication, and clinical decision making is emphasized throughout. This edition also features a new title that reflects its e
Known for its user-friendly, easy-to-understand coverage of complex concepts, this outstanding textbook provides all the information you need to provide competent nursing care to women and newborns. Step-by-step instructions for assessments and interventions help you quickly master key skills and techniques. The importance of understanding family, culture, client teaching, communication, and clinical decision making is emphasized throughout. This edition also features a new title that reflects its e
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Topics in Maternal and Infant Health Online