Author: Ronald D. Schoenwald
Edition: 1
Binding: Paperback
ISBN: 1566768993
Edition: 1
Binding: Paperback
ISBN: 1566768993
Pharmacokinetic Principles of Dosing Adjustments: Understanding the Basics (Pharmacy Education Series)
This book has evolved over the last twenty years from a cumulative effort to develop a professional course in pharmacokinetics that would assist future practitioners in therapeutic decision making. As practicing pharmacists become more involved with patient advising, it becomes apparent that clinicians will be required to make dosing adjustments for certain drugs. This will become increasingly more likely as pharmacy practitioners have access to patient information that requires careful attention to dose and dosing interval, which in turn correlates to various pharmacokinetic parameters such as half-life and the volume of distribution of drugs.
Although many handbooks are available on this subject, they do not devote more than a brief author ronald d schoenwald format paperback language english publication year 30 11 2000 series pharmacy education series subject engineering technology subject 2 industrial chemistry manufacturing title pharmacokinetic principles of dosing adjustments understanding the basics author schoenwald ronald d publisher technomic pub co publication date dec 01 2000 pages 258 binding paperback edition 1 st dimensions 6 00 wx 9 00 hx 0 50 d isbn 1566768993 subject medical pharmacology description a tex Read medical textbooks online like Pharmacokinetic Principles of Dosing Adjustments here

Pharmacokinetic Principles of Dosing Adjustments Und..., 9781566768993
Pharmacokinetic Principles of Dosing Adjustments Understanding the Basics, ISBN-13: 9781566768993, ISBN-10: 1566768993

Author: Schoenwald, Ronald D., Strauss, Steven ISBN-10: 1566768992

This book is written by Ronald D. Schoenwald Published by CRC Press In 2000 and is available in Paperback POD will be shipped in 12 Days.
Pharmacokinetic Principles of Dosing Adjustments Online
As practicing pharmacists become more involved with patient advising, it becomes apparent that clinicians will be required to make dosing adjustments for certain drugs
Although many handbooks are available on this subject, they do not devote more than a brief