Author: Peter J. Manos
Edition: 1
Binding: Paperback
ISBN: 0415358248
Edition: 1
Binding: Paperback
ISBN: 0415358248
Care of the Difficult Patient: A Nurse's Guide
Developed collaboratively by a doctor and nurse team, this is the first text to deal specifically with nursing difficult patients. Whether patient problems stem from mental distress and ill health, historic substance abuse, demanding family members or abusive behaviour, difficult patients place extra demands on nurses both professionally and personally. Caring for difficult patients requires both technical and interpersonal skills along with an ability to exercise power and set limits. This text presents invaluable practical recommendations and advice, well founded in experience and supported by relevant literature, for nurses coping with challenging, real world situations. Including learning points, further reading, case studies and dial Care of the Difficult Patient A Nurse's Guide, ISBN-13: 9780415358248, ISBN-10: 0415358248 Read medical textbooks online like Care of the Difficult Patient here

Care of the Difficult Patient
Categories: Nurse-Patient relations, Patients->Psychology, Nursing care->Methods. Contributors: Peter Manos - Author. Format: NOOK Book
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Categories: Nursing care->Methods, Psychology * General, Nurse and patient. Contributors: Peter Manos - Author. Format: Paperback
Categories: Nursing care->Methods, Psychology * General, Nurse and patient. Contributors: Peter Manos - Author. Format: Paperback
Care of the Difficult Patient Online
Including learning points, further reading, case studies and dial