Author: E. J. Corey
Edition: 1
Binding: Paperback
ISBN: 0470227494
Edition: 1
Binding: Paperback
ISBN: 0470227494
Molecules and Medicine
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Molecules and Medicine

Molecules and Medicine - Barbara Czako, EJ Corey, L?szl? K?rti
author barbara czako author ej corey author laszlo kurti format hardback language english publication year 28 03 2008 subject medicine subject 2 medicine general title molecules and medicine author corey ej czako barbara kurti laszlo publisher john wiley sons inc publication date feb 08 2008 pages 254 binding hardcover edition illustrated dimensions 7 00 wx 10 00 hx 0 75 d isbn 0470260963 subject science chemistry industrial technical description molecules and medicine provides for the first

Molecules and Medicine provides, for the first time ever, a completely integrated look at chemistry, biology, drug discovery, and medicine. It delves into the discovery, application, and mode of action of more than one hundred of the most significant molecules in use in modern medicine. Opening sections of the book provide a unique, clear, and concise introduction, which enables readers to understand chemical formulas.

"Molecules and Medicine provides, for the first time ever, a completely integrated look at chemistry, biology, drug discovery, and medicine. It delves into the discovery, application, and mode of action of more than one hundred of the most significant molecules in use in modern medicine. Opening sections of the book provide a unique, clear, and concise introduction, which enables readers to understand chemical formulas.File Size: 8150 KBPrint Length: 272 pagesPublisher: Wiley; 1 edition (February 28, 2012) Sold by: Amazon Digital Services, Inc.Language: EnglishASIN: B007JZ9TOC"
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