Author: Shane A. Thomas DipPubPol PhD MAPS
Edition: 1
Binding: Paperback
ISBN: 0443062838
Edition: 1
Binding: Paperback
ISBN: 0443062838
How to Write Health Sciences Papers, Dissertations and Theses, 1e
How to Write Health Sciences Papers, Dissertations and Theses, ISBN-13: 9780443062834, ISBN-10: 0443062838 Read medical textbooks online like How to Write Health Sciences Papers, Dissertations and Theses here

How To Write Health Sciences Papers, Dissertations And Theses
Churchill Livingstone 9780443062834 How to Write Health Sciences Papers, Dissertations and Theses Description This comprehensive text serves as a practical, guide to preparing a written research report. It also provides a checklist for thesis preparation to ensure that no steps or key components are overlooked. Researchers will be able to present results and findings to examiners and fellow clinicians in an accessible format. *Author: Thomas, Shane A./ Thomas Et Al, Et Al *Binding Type: Paperba
author shane a thomas format paperback language english publication year 04 05 2000 subject medicine subject 2 medicine general book details title how to write health sciences papers dissertations and theses 1 e item condition used item in a good condition author shane a thomas dippubpol phd maps isbn 10 0443062838 publisher churchill livingstone isbn 13 9780443062834 published on 2000 05 04 sku awe 9780443062834 binding paperback language english edition annotated edition list price 22 99 descr
Categories: Dissertations, Academic->Authorship, Medical sciences, Medical writing. Contributors: Shane A. Thomas - Author. Format: Paperback
Categories: Dissertations, Academic->Authorship, Medical sciences, Medical writing. Contributors: Shane A. Thomas - Author. Format: Paperback
How to Write Health Sciences Papers, Dissertations and Theses Online