Author: Jahangir Moini
Edition: 1
Binding: Paperback
ISBN: 1428311025
Edition: 1
Binding: Paperback
ISBN: 1428311025
Law and Ethics for Pharmacy Technicians
"Preface While many excellent textbooks deal with pharmacy laws, regulations, and ethics, virtually all of those currently marketed are aimed at the university-level pharmacy student. During my years as a faculty member and as a department chair, the lack of textbooks intended for pharmacy technicians became more and more noticeable, especially after visiting with pharmacy technician faculty and our colleagues at Pharmacy Technician Educator''s Council (PTEC) meetings. The standard practice has been to incorporate law and ethics material into other classes, using parts of these university-level textbooks and articles and adding extra lecture time and materials. Very few programs have a stand-alone law and ethics course or even a segment of such a course, which can perhaps be explained by the fact that so few texts have been aimed at this need. Instructors have been forced to "make do" with materials and resources meant for an entirely different group of students"-- Read medical textbooks online like Law and Ethics for Pharmacy Technicians here

Law and Ethics for Pharmacy Technicians
Categories: Pharmacy->Law and legislation->United States, Pharmacy technicians->Legal status, laws, etc.->United States, Drugs->Law and legislation->United States. Contributors: Jahangir Moini - Author. Format: Paperback

Law and Ethics for Pharmacy Technicians provides a comprehensive overview of pharmacy laws, regulations and ethics as they specifically relate to the purview and practice of the pharmacy technician.

Law and Ethics for Pharmacy Technicians provides a comprehensive overview of pharmacy laws, regulations and ethics as they specifically relate to the purview and practice of the pharmacy technician.

Law and Ethics for Pharmacy Technicians provides a comprehensive overview of pharmacy laws, regulations and ethics as they specifically relate to the purview and practice of the pharmacy technician.
Law and Ethics for Pharmacy Technicians Online