Author: JoEllen Goertz Koerner RN PhD FAAN
Edition: 2
Binding: Paperback
ISBN: 0826107540
Edition: 2
Binding: Paperback
ISBN: 0826107540
Healing Presence, Second Edition: The Essence of Nursing
Praise for the Previous Edition: ". .represents an act of passion for the profession....The work's value comes from its integration of scientific, creative, and spiritual philosophies as a core context for the complex nurse-patient interaction involved in the promotion of a healing environment....Recommended." -Choice At the center of professional nursing lies the "authentic presence" of the nurse -- the intention and commitment that brings us to the profession, and unfolds as we develop as nurses. In this new edition, JoEllen Koerner explores the intersection of scientific, creative, and spiritual ways of knowing that inform and inspire this "healing presence" in caregiver and patient. Revised, updated, and refocused, the book Praise for the Previous Edition:
"…represents an act of passion for the profession….The work's value comes from its integration of scientific, creative, and spiritual philosophies as a core context for the complex nurse-patient interaction involved in the promotion of a healing environment….Recommended." -Choice
At the center of professional nursing lies the "authentic presence" of the nurse the intention and commitment that brings us to the profession, and unfolds as we develop as nurses. In this new edition, joellen Koerner explores the intersection of scientific, creative, and spiritual ways of knowing that inform and inspire this "healing presence" in caregiver and patient.
Revised, updated, and refocused, the book integrates traditional nursing practice with cutting-edge alternative and integrative medicine. The author expands our' awareness of Allopathic and alternative ways of healing as rooted in Native Healing practices. The book also explores new models for transpersonal caring through the lens of philosophy, spirituality, and complexity science. It is a profoundly important resource for nurse educators, students, and practitioners.
Key features:
Presents the Nursing Triad model: nurse as scientist, artist, and healing presence
Examines the bioenergetic body-the "five bodies" that comprise our being and infuse our becoming
Discusses the physiology and philosophy behind healing presence
Analyzes the healing process between nurse and patient, from embracing suffering to transcending polarities and enhancing capacity Read medical textbooks online like Healing Presence, Second Edition here

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Categories: Nursing * General, Health & Fitness - Alternative Therapies * General, Nursing - Issues * General. Contributors: JoEllen Goertz Koerner - Author. Format: Paperback
Categories: Nursing * General, Health & Fitness - Alternative Therapies * General, Nursing - Issues * General. Contributors: JoEllen Goertz Koerner - Author. Format: Paperback
Contributors: JoEllen Goertz Koerner - Author. Format: Paperback
Healing Presence, Second Edition Online
.represents an act of passion for the profession..
Revised, updated, and refocused, the book