Author: John Maltby
Edition: 1
Binding: Paperback
ISBN: 0131967533
Edition: 1
Binding: Paperback
ISBN: 0131967533
Introduction to Statistics for Nurses
Take the fear out of statistics with this straightforward, practical and applied book on the 'how and why' of using statistics A
Shows students how to understand the use of statistics in nursing literature, and how to use statistics effectively in answering research questions Case studies throughout show how statistics are applied in nursing research and frequent exercises help you to test knowledge A straightforward, practical and applied book on the 'how and why' of using statisticsA The book is compatible with the latest versions of SPSS - a commonly used statistical package among nurses and other health professionals. It is accompanied by a website where students can practise exercises in the book with data relevant to Categories: Nursing->Research->Statistical methods. Contributors: John Maltby - Author. Format: Hardcover Read medical textbooks online like Introduction to Statistics for Nurses here

Introduction to Statistics for Nurses
Categories: Nursing->Research->Statistical methods. Contributors: John Maltby - Author. Format: Hardcover
Categories: Nursing->Research->Statistical methods. Contributors: John Maltby - Author. Format: Hardcover
author glenn williams author john maltby author liz day format paperback language english publication year 05 02 2007 subject medicine subject 2 medical nursing ancillary services title introduction to statistics for nurses author maltby john day liz williams glenn publisher pearson ptr publication date may 31 2007 pages 268 binding paperback dimensions 7 32 wx 9 21 hx 0 71 d isbn 0131967533 subject medical nursing reference description this book will help you to understand the use of statis

Pearson Education (Us) | 2007 | 288 pages | ISBN-13: 9780131967533 | ISBN-10: 0131967533
Introduction to Statistics for Nurses Online
It is accompanied by a website where students can practise exercises in the book with data relevant to