Author: Katherine Snyder CST BS
Edition: 3
Binding: Paperback
ISBN: 1437710026
Edition: 3
Binding: Paperback
ISBN: 1437710026
Pharmacology for the Surgical Technologist, 3e
Written specifically to meet the needs of surgical technologists, Pharmacology for the Surgical Technologist, 3rd Edition focuses on the uses of medicines, agents, and solutions in surgery. An introduction to pharmacology covers basic math skills, pharmacologic principles, and drug administration, and is followed by detailed descriptions of common surgical medications along with anesthesia in surgical and emergency situations. This edition adds a new index of drugs by surgical specialty, and a companion Evolve website reinforces your understanding with practical activities and exercises, drug calculations, and more. In this book, Surgical Technology educators Katherine C. Snyder and Chris Keegan cover all areas of pharmacology that ar author chris keegan author katherine snyder format paperback language english publication year 16 11 2011 subject medicine subject 2 medicine textbooks study guides themonsterbookshop co uk in titles description add my store to your favorites and receive my email newsletters about new items and special promotions general interest pharmacology for the surgical technologist 3 e item details title pharmacology for the surgical technologist 3 e author s katherine snyder cst bs chris keegan cst ms pu Read medical textbooks online like Pharmacology for the Surgical Technologist here

Pharmacology for the Surgical Technologist

Specially designed to parallel material in Pharmacology for the Surgical Technologist, 2nd Edition, this helpful new study guide provides in-depth study and review of the most important facts and information on pharmacology for surgical technologists.
Pharmacology for the Surgical Technologist with Mosby's Essential Drugs for Surgical Technologists, ISBN-13: 9781416054313, ISBN-10: 1416054316

Here's all the need-to-know pharmacology information every surgical technologist must master for successful practice. From the basics of pharmacology and related mathematics to details about common medications associated with surgical procedures to anesthetic principles and applications, it's all here. Instructor resources are also available. Contact your sales representative for details.

Here's all the need-to-know pharmacology information every surgical technologist must master for successful practice. From the basics of pharmacology and related mathematics to details about common medications associated with surgical procedures to anesthetic principles and applications, it's all here. Instructor resources are also available. Contact your sales representative for details.
Pharmacology for the Surgical Technologist Online
Snyder and Chris Keegan cover all areas of pharmacology that ar