Author: Peggy Wallace PhD
Edition: 1
Binding: Hardcover
ISBN: 0826102247
Edition: 1
Binding: Hardcover
ISBN: 0826102247
Coaching Standardized Patients: For Use in the Assessment of Clinical Competence
In today's medical education curriculum, it is necessary for students to learn the proper technique for taking medical histories, performing physical exams, and finding the appropriate way to educate and inform patients. The best way for a student to learn these skills is through hands-on training with a Standardized Patient (SP)--an actor who has been hired to portray a specific set of health problems and symptoms. Tips to Help You Develop Coaching Skills and Be a Director to Your SPs Cast Standardized Patients Get the Best Performance from Your Actors Perfect Your SPs' Timing of Fact Delivery during Examinations Improve the SPs' Written Feedback to Students Streamline Training Regimens; Checklists Included Working with SPs has become Buy Coaching Standardized Patients by Peggy Wallace, PhD and Read this Book on Kobo's Free Apps. Discover Kobo's Vast Collection of Ebooks Today - Over 3 Million Titles, Including 2 Million Free Ones! Read medical textbooks online like Coaching Standardized Patients here

Coaching Standardized Patients: For Use in the Assessment of Clinical Competence

Coaching Standardized Patients: For Use in the Assessment of Clinical Competence: Peggy Wallace
Store Search search Title, ISBN and Author Coaching Standardized Patients: For Use in the Assessment of Clinical Competence by Peggy Wallace Estimated delivery 3-12 business days Format Hardcover Condition Brand New In today #039;s medical education curriculum, it is necessary for students to learn the proper technique for taking medical histories, performing physical exams, and finding the appropriate way to educate and inform patients. The best way for a student to learn these skills is throu

In today's medical education curriculum, it is necessary for students to learn the proper technique for taking medical histories, performing physical exams, and finding the appropriate way to educate and inform patients. The best way for a student to learn these skills is through hands-on training with a Standardized Patient (SP)an actor who has been hired to portray a specific set of health problems and symptoms.
Tips to Help You
Develop Coaching Skills and Be a Director to Your sps
Cast Standardized Patients
Get the Best Performance from Your Actors
Perfect Your sps' Timing of Fact Delivery
Tips to Help You
Develop Coaching Skills and Be a Director to Your sps
Cast Standardized Patients
Get the Best Performance from Your Actors
Perfect Your sps' Timing of Fact Delivery
Categories: Clinical Competence, Patient Simulation, Clinical Competence. Contributors: Peggy PhD Wallace - Author. Format: NOOK Book
Coaching Standardized Patients Online
Tips to Help You Develop Coaching Skills and Be a Director to Your SPs Cast Standardized Patients Get the Best Performance from Your Actors Perfect Your SPs' Timing of Fact Delivery during Examinations Improve the SPs' Written Feedback to Students Streamline Training Regimens; Checklists Included Working with SPs has become