Author: Bruce Berger
Edition: 3
Binding: Paperback
ISBN: 158212132X
Edition: 3
Binding: Paperback
ISBN: 158212132X
Communication Skills for Pharmacists: Building Relationships, Improving Patient Care
Communication Skills for Pharmacists: Building Relationships, Improving Patient Care, 3rd edition, includes new material that will help student pharmacists and practicing pharmacists develop the communication skills they need for providing high-quality care. br> Key Features:
The 15 chapters from the 2nd edition cover key communication skills for pharmacists: listening and empathic responding, supportive communication, persuasive communication, assertiveness, management of conflicts, help for patients to accept the behavior changes needed to manage their illness, and ways to become culturally competent to provide quality care for all patients.
A new chapter tells how to communicate about sensitive topics that patients may find Categories: Pharmacist and patient, Professional-patient relations, Pharmacists. Contributors: Robert S. Beardsley - Author. Format: Paperback Read medical textbooks online like Communication Skills for Pharmacists here

Communication Skills For Pharmacists Ebook

Communication Skills for Pharmacists: Building Relationships, Improving Patient Care, 3rd edition, includes new material that will help student pharmacists and practicing pharmacists develop the communication skills they need for providing high-quality care.
Categories: Pharmacist and patient, Professional-patient relations, Pharmacists. Contributors: Robert S. Beardsley - Author. Format: Paperback
Categories: Pharmacist and patient, Professional-patient relations, Pharmacists. Contributors: Robert S. Beardsley - Author. Format: Paperback
Categories: Pharmacist and patient, Professional-patient relations, Pharmacists. Contributors: Robert S. Beardsley - Author. Format: Paperback
Communication Skills for Pharmacists Online
A new chapter tells how to communicate about sensitive topics that patients may find